本帖最后由 教会写手 于 2021-8-11 07:48 编辑
“我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处。”(罗8:28)
当磨难降临,疑虑出现时,我常常去看罗马书第八章里的话语。“谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢?”保罗问道。“难道是患难吗?是困苦吗?是逼迫吗?是饥饿吗?是赤身露体吗?是危险吗?是刀剑吗?”(罗8:35)这句话是保罗“事工传记”的总结。他为福音忍受了磨难;然而,种种理由使他有信心相信——磨难本身,对他来说当然不是什么好事;但,神会藉着磨难成就好事。他已经学会了这样的功课——磨难来临时转向慈爱的神,神终有一天要显明得胜的结果。他写道:“我深信(没有一件事)能叫我们与 神的爱隔绝;这爱是在我们的主基督耶稣里的。”(罗8:38-39)
教会写手 译
Contract Faith
All things work together forgood to those who love God. — Romans 8:28
Sometimes people who serve God live with an unstated “contract faith.”Because they give time and energy to work for God, they think they deservespecial treatment in return.
But not my friend Douglas. He has lived a Job-like existence in many ways,experiencing the failure of a ministry, his wife’s death from cancer, andinjuries from a drunk driver to himself and a child. Yet Douglasadvises, “Don’t confuse God with life.”
When troubles come and doubts arise, I often turn to Romans 8. “Who shall separate us from thelove of Christ?” asked Paul. “Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution,or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” (v.35). In that one sentence,Paul summarized his ministry autobiography. He endured trials for the sake ofthe gospel; yet somehow he had the faith to believe that these “things”—surelynot good in themselves—could be used by God to accomplish good. He had learnedto see past the hardships to a loving God who will one day prevail. He wrote,“I am persuaded that [nothing] shall be able to separate us from the love ofGod which is in Christ” (vv.38-39).
Confidence like that can go a long way in helping overcome discouragementabout how life hasn’t worked out the way we thought it would.
By: Philip Yancey