薄霭中的风车 windmill near schermerhorn
photographer’s comments
i made this pic on the only day with snow this year. lucky me that there was a
nice groundmist, which is regular for this moist area around schermerhorn. th
e early morning sun was my best friend, unlike this small black guard horse. i
t tried to bite me once when i came too close.
凌晨的太阳是我最好的伙伴, 而远景中的小黑马当**近他是总想要咬我
孤山 the rock
photographer‘s comments
one of the smaller landmasses in the galapagos chain, popularly called "kicker
rock" just after sunrise.
galapagos链岛最小的陆地之一, 人们都叫它日落中被踢出的山岩
弟兄姐妹知道它的预示吗 孤单吗 你不孤单
都在神的爱里 因他的爱无边
神啊在你面前 我渺小如尘
愿你创造的美丽 埋葬我的亏欠
如此绚丽的景色 是你的爱恋 除了爱恋还是爱恋
神啊你在我面前 浩翰如穹苍
愿人人都赞美 除了赞美还是赞美
《原创》( 献给心中的你)
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-10 21:21:46编辑过]