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Movie Today

发表于 2003-6-30 00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I like movie, I spend more time on movies even more than reading bible. I think percentage of believers in West countries in God is more than in China. But there is seldom God and bible in Hollywood movies, but the sex. Often a very good movie goes on, the gut is good, the story is solemn, and suddenly a woman bra turns on. For Example: the God Father. If people in West Country really love God why they make more movies show their love to God? But in their movies I only see their prurience 我非常喜欢看电影,我看电影的时间甚至比读圣经的时间还要长。我认为西方相信上帝的人的比率应当比中国 要多。好多电影都与圣经的故事有关。但是电影里的人很少有人是基督徒,相反性和暴力充斥着好莱坞。常常 有这样的情况,当你在欣赏一个很有内涵的电影(比如教父)时,突然一个女人的胸出现在银幕,事实上是否 有那个镜头并不重要。既然西方国家很多人敬畏上帝,而且可以充分的尊重宗教信仰自由,为何他们不多多制 造敬畏上帝的电影,让福音传遍世界?难道电影是撒旦诱惑人的工具?
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-7 22:13:25编辑过]
发表于 2003-6-30 12:29 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用tdol在2003-6-30 0:09:18的发言: I like movie, I spend more time on movies even more than reading bible. I think percentage of believers in West countries in God is more than in China. But there is seldom God and bible in Hollywood movies, but the sex. Often a very good movie goes on, the gut is good, the story is solemn, and suddenly a woman bra turns on. For Example: the God Father. If people in West Country really love God why they make more movies show their love to God? But in their movies I only see their prurience.
呵呵,你在抒发感想?还是想大家讨论阿?要是后面一个的话,你还是自己把它translate一下哦,不然没法讨论阿?!当然等你考完试有空了再说啦:) 我觉得好莱坞的很多电影更多的是受宗教文化的影响,他们其实不是真正的相信,没有敬畏的心,不然不敢那样的,更多的是为了迎合人的需求,以达到什么。再就是西方社会跟我们的传统,习俗都很大不同的,所以也难免的。若有分辨的心到也无妨,可是很多的青少年被毒害,就很让人痛心了,感谢 神保守祂的儿女的眼目!

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