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发表于 2003-5-11 12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
母亲节到了,别忘了对母亲说声问候和感谢。 ****************************************** Seasons Of Motherhood (身为人母) As a pastor, I've ministered to many women during their seasons of motherhood. I have called on mothers in the hospital and rejoiced with them for their precious baby who had come into the world. I've counseled with anxious mothers and tried to assure them that God was watching over their rebellious teenager. I've stood with mothers at the bedside of an injured or ill child and felt their pain. And I've cried with them in their grief when their son or daughter died. 身为牧师,我曾辅导过许多母亲。我去探访过在医院产床上的母亲,分享迎接她们新诞生的亲爱宝贝之喜悦。我也曾辅导过焦虑的母亲们,设法帮助她们相信上帝的确会看顾她们叛逆的青少年。我还曾和那些受伤或生病的孩子的母亲一起,站在病床边一起分担病痛。此外,我也曾和失去儿子和女儿的母亲一同哀伤。 Mary, the mother of Jesus, also experienced these times of joy and sorrow. What joy when the Christ-child was born! (Luke 2:7). What excitement when the shepherds and later the wise men came to worship Him! (vv.8-20; Matthew 2:1-12). What uneasiness when Simeon prophesied that a sword would pierce her soul! (Luke 2:35). And what heart-wrenching grief as Mary watched her Son dying on the cross! (John 19:25-30). But her seasons of motherhood didn't end with that terrible scene. She rejoiced that He rose from the grave. And because she trusted Him as her Savior, she is now in heaven with Him. 耶稣的母亲马利亚,同样经历过这些喜乐和忧伤。圣婴诞生时的喜乐 (路加福音2章7节)!牧羊人和三位博士前来敬拜耶稣的兴奋(8-20节;马太福音2章1-12节)!西面预言她的心将被刀刺透时的难过(路加福音2章35节)!当然,最令马利亚痛心的,是亲眼目睹她的儿子死在十字架上(约翰福音19章25-30节)!然而,这悲痛的事情,并没有夺去她母亲的身分。因为,耶稣从坟墓复活,使她欢喜快乐,并且因为她相信耶稣是她的救主,所以她现在已经在天国与他同在。 A mother experiences great joys and intense sorrows. But if she submits her life to God, every season of her motherhood serves His eternal purposes. —Herb Vander Lugt 身为人母,定会经历极大的喜乐和忧伤。但她若能将生命献给上帝,一切母亲的经历都在主永恒的旨意中。HVL Thank You, Lord, for motherhood With all its vale of tears, For happy moments never dimmed Through all the many years. —Strecker 为着天下间的母亲, 主,我带泪感谢你; 因她们虽身为人母, 喜乐的时光却不尽。Strecker Motherhood is a sacred partnership with God. 母亲的职分,是上帝神圣的同工。 from "Our Daily Bread" www.rbc.net www.rbcasia.org.sg 摘自“灵命日粮”。 注:“灵命日粮”及英文版“Our Daily Bread"均可免费索取。对于想学英文的弟兄姊妹,强烈推荐。
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