"The world and its desires pass away, but the man who
does the will of God lives forever." I John 2:17
"The world" That is the physical things around us,
only the big universe, but the
we sometimes value so much.
"and its desires" The things we don't yet have, but
want so very much to have. Maybe
it's because someone else has it,
we want it. Maybe it just looks
good to us.
"pass away" Everything of this world is temporary.
They all break or wear out. None of them
are permanent. To spend our life gaining
them is a waste of time.
"but" There's another possibility.
"the man who does the will of God" We can devote
ourselves to this world and its things or
we can devote ourselves to doing God's
will. We can discover His plan and
follow it.
"lives forever." What a contrast! on one hand are
things that pass away. On the other hand is the blessedness of living
forever along with what we have