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The Difference

发表于 2003-3-30 15:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
赢家与输家 Winners translate greams into reality. Losers translate realityinto dreams. 赢家将梦想转为事实,输家将事实变成梦想。 Winners empower. Losers control. 赢家授权,输家掌控。 Winners are part of the solution. Losers are part of the problem. 赢家是答案的一部份,输家是问题的一部份。 Winners work harder than losers. Losers are always too busy. 赢家比输家努力工作,输家永远都太忙。 Winners want to. Losers have to. 赢家是自愿的,输家是被迫的。 Winners always make time. Losers often waste time. 赢家总能找得出时间,输家浪费了许多时间。 Winners listen to what others say. Losers wait until it's their turn to talk. 赢家聆听别人如何说,输家只等著发言。 Winners catch others doing things right. Losers catch others doing things wrong. 赢家看到别人做得好,输家看到别人做得差。 Winners see opportunities. Losers see only thw problems. 赢家看到许多机会,输家只看到一堆问题。 Winners feel responsible for more than their jobs. Losers frequently state, I only work here. 赢家觉得不该只为份内的工作负责,输家总说我只做份内的工作。 [B]林后 4:8 我们四面受敌、却不被困住.心里作难、却不至失望. 林后 4:9 遭逼迫、却不被丢弃.打倒了、却不至死亡.[/B]
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-3-30 15:42:27编辑过]
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