2006-5-6 当我还是个小女孩的时候我喜欢什么呢?我记得是:樱花雪,就是那种纷纷的雪花里面还夹着樱花花瓣,好象是从漫画书里看来的;带壁炉的英国老式屋子,好大,却好温馨,有老奶奶在织毛衣;大花园,花园外面是草场,有马,像是英国的乡村;城堡,公主,王子,国王,仙女,美丽的公主的衣裳,皇宫,森林,白雪公主,爱情,善良,奶酪,牛奶……还有好多吧,只是一时想不起来了。还记得小时侯喜欢画画,画好多漂亮的女人还有她们的衣服。我就是这样长大的啊,伴着童话长大的。曾几何时,不记得那些小时侯令我着迷的画面了?只注目于现实无奈的生活,考试咯,升学咯,人际关系咯,爸爸妈妈的争吵咯,金钱咯,物质咯……心里面的“浪漫”,竟然变成了物质的丰富。是的,竟然觉得,有钱就是浪漫。今天才发现,曾经儿时的美丽情怀,竟丢失了这样久。 What were the things that romanced your heart as a girl? Was it horses in a field? Was it the fragrance of the air after a summer rain? Was it a favorite book like The Secret Garden? The first snowfall of winter? Those were all whispers from your Lover, notes sent to awaken your heart’s longings. And as we journey into a true intimacy with God as women, he often brings those things back into our lives ,to heal and restore things that were lost or stolen. 当我今天读到这个地方时,我明白了。为什么我是这样长大的?那些美好,都是神给我的礼物,都是他设计给我的浪漫印记,都是他的爱。他就是浪漫的,纯全的,美好的。 我好高兴,因为我渐渐重拾起曾经丢失的美好,这一切都是神的恩典。他要让我知道,最初的单纯,就是他造我,喜悦我的样子。我的心最深处,与美好,简单,清洁,高贵,良善,温柔……相契合,这就是造我的天父给我的印记。哈利路亚!我多么开心我是属于他的啊!:)
以下是引用卫卫在2006-5-22 16:45:00的发言: Was it the fragrance of the air after a summer rain? Was it a favorite book like The Secret Garden? The first snowfall of winter?
And as we journey into a true intimacy with God as women, he often brings those things back into our lives ,to heal and restore things that were lost or stolen.
How nice!! 我想楼主想表达的意思是,当我们逐渐长大的时候,也不可忘记那小女孩的心境,不可随着世俗的压力而逐渐变的世俗,愿耶和华永远保守我们的心!