本帖最后由 火上冰 于 2019-12-31 14:05 编辑
Truth and knowledge of knowing God is exclusive. The more servant of God has this type of knowledge, the more dangerous the person possibly fall off to a situation of arrogance. That's what I have been experiencing and struggling.
Thinking of scriptures, such as teachings and events or history in bible, house of God must be built upon foundation of Lord Jesus Christ. Also the two books of Timothy and book Titus have solid standards for workers in church. But what I observe is churches surroundering don't follow those standards. However those churches where still keep pastor/bishop still keep them. in my understanding, the assembly having charismatic background is the worst groups not following the 3 books. Also a lot false teachers came up from them. It seems to be also a big challenge to the assembly of brethren background since there is no so-called holy orders. The ignorance of those standard becomes damaged wall of Jerusalem on the ground representing the Jerusalem from the heaven.
In the old testament, when God's people came back to Jerusalem. Nehemiah and Ezra rebuild walls and holy temple on the ground and also people's heart by preaching laws of God. The only difference between their work and the work that we are facing is we have been seen Lord Jesus Christ and his incarnation by our faith. And also we have been taught by the elder christian and also the broken church history. Brother Godwin Sun shared another message yesterday. His message was talking about two persons. One was Enoch, the other was Noah. If the coworkers in church are building a salvation ark which is Church waiting for Lord's return. The specification and heavenly standard must be taught and fulfilled in God's people. People waiting for Lord's return and meeting Lord face to face must be more like Lord Jesus.
To be honest, that's my current struggle. Facing people/brothers and sisters surroundering, it's easy to forgive non-Christians. but when facing brothers and sister's wrong understandings/ talking nonsense, I don't have patience for those things. ......