本帖最后由 αει 于 2023-11-11 05:27 编辑
Save us, Savior of the world,
for by your Cross and Resurrection
you have set us free.
主要译本,Bible Gateway,https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1&version=RCU17TS,NASB次要译本,Bible Gateway,https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1&version=NIV,ESV,NKJV- NIV (2011)
- ESV (2001)
- NKJV (1982)
- Blue Letter Bible. https://www.blueletterbible.org/nasb20/gen/1/1/s_1001
相似经文对照,Bible Hub
- 单节,https://biblehub.com/genesis/1-1.htm
- 中文,https://cnbible.com/genesis/1-1.htm
- 段落,Berean Study Bible,https://biblehub.com/bsb/genesis/1.htm
自 John Cassian (ca. 360–435) 起,圣经被认为存在至少四种涵义:
1. 字面义,历史、事实,2. 比喻义,教会、教义,3. 比喻义,道德、个人,4. 比喻义,末世、将来。
(1) literal or historical-factual, (2) allegorical or doctrinal, (3) tropological or moral, and (4) anagogical or mystical, perhaps corresponding to the four types of causation.
The fourfold senses of Scripture — the literal, allegorical, moral (tropological), and anagogic senses — were first proposed by John Cassian (ca. 360–435). By way of example, Cassian wrote, ‘The one Jerusalem can be understood in four different ways, in the historical sense as the city of the Jews, in allegory as the Church of Christ, in anagoge as the heavenly city of God “which is the mother of us all” (Gal. 4:26), in the tropological sense as the human soul.’ St. Augustine set forth a similar fourfold division in De Genesi ad litteram: ‘In all the sacred books, we should consider eternal truths that are taught, the facts that are narrated, the future events that are predicted, and the precepts or counsels that are given’ (1.1).
The exegetes of the medieval period seem to have taken these statements as programmatic for interpretation. Though some spoke of as many as seven senses of Scripture, it became commonplace to refer to the fourfold senses of Scripture. A simple poem attributed to Augustine of Dacia captures the medieval commitment to the four senses of Scripture: ‘The letter teaches events; allegory what you should believe; morality teaches what you should do, anagogy what mark you should be aiming for.’ In the medieval period there were some, such as Hugh of St. Victor and his followers, who leaned toward a more literal interpretation; others, such as Bernard of Clairvaux, leaned toward a more spiritual interpretation. More often, though, these various senses of Scripture were set side by side; and all of them were seen as viable, even if very different, ways in which to understand the biblical text. 来源:罗马教会美国主教会议,https://www.usccb.org/bible/national-bible-week/upload/viviano-senses-scripture.pdf
马太 8:22 耶稣说:「让死人埋葬他们的死人。你跟从我吧!」
NASB 以忠于原文、以及大量的注释著称。然而,无论是 NASB 还是和合本,笔者在读经过程中,均曾发现一些不尽完满之处,如林前 10:32
和合:你们不要使犹太人、希腊人,或 神 教会中的人跌倒。
NASB: Do not offend Jews or Greeks, or the church of God.
「不要使…跌倒」是一个希腊词,aproskopos,proskoptō 的否定形式。
ἀπρόσκοπος aproskopos ‘actively, inoffensive, i.e., not leading into sin; passively, faultless, i.e. not led into sin’.
προσκόπτω proskoptō ‘to strike at, i.e., surge against (as water); specially, to stub on, i.e., trip up (literally or figuratively)’.
NASB 取「不攻击」一义,但 offend 一词本身多义,甚至有其他常用、主要词义,难免使人误解。且该词可取其他词义解释,却没有注释、说明。
就此而言,和合本的翻译可能更有待商榷。NIV 同样译作 ‘stumble’「跌倒」,但此义就 proskoptō 而言,并非本义或主要义,未免舍本逐末。
又如马太 8:17
和合:这是要应验以赛亚先知所说的话:「他代替了我们的软弱,担当了我们的疾病。 」
NASB: This happened so that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet would be fulfilled: “He Himself took our illnesses and carried away our diseases.”
新约以希腊文写成,引用旧约,多为主前 3–2 世纪的希腊文 LXX 七十士译本。新教会翻译旧约,多以 7–10 世纪的 MT 马所拉文本为底本。
考新约希腊原文,「代替」一词主要的意思就是「拿」,有「拿去,去除」的意思,也有 ‘take, admit, receive, gain, get, obtain’「拿,得到,接受」的意思。
「担当」一词的含义包括「提起」「承担」「拿去,去除,引申:医治」。辞典 Thayer’s Greek Lexicon 认为是「拿去,去除」的意思:
by a use unknown to Attic writers, to bear away, carry off: νόσους, to take away or remove by curing them, Matthew 8:17 (Galen de compos. medicam. per gen. 2, 14 [339, Bas. edition]) 此处,NASB 对此二词的翻译,相对中立、无偏倚。而和合本的翻译,我认为译者解释、修改、添加过多。
Substitutionary atonement,即,「救赎源于基督代替我们受罚」「基督的牺牲、献祭、救赎,同旧约赎罪祭的描述一样,就是将我们的罪归于他,就是单纯的代替」并非惟一正统,符合圣经,及教会普世会议的共识、决议、教导的解释。不过,我想先专注于读经、查经。就此、及其他神学的讨论、思考,暂且不提,尚待之后,有了熟悉、理解圣经的扎实的基础。