1 Corinthians
Who wrote this book and when?
The apostle Paul wrote it in about A.D. 54-55.
To whom was it written?
Christians in Corinth, an important commercial city in Greece.
Why was it written?
Two or three years after leaving the church he had started in Corinth, Paul heard disturbing reports: strife and division were seriously threatening the young church. Some had become spiritually proud, leading to problems such as sexual misconduct, wrongdoing against other believers, abuse of spiritual gifts and misunderstanding of basic Christian teachings. Paul wrote to try to restore balance to the church.
Make Love you aim - Words of wisdom for a church in turmoil.
How to read 1 Corinthians:
Notice in this book how Paul sees believers as ones who are holy and called - in spite of their sometimes unholy behaviour. Watch how he reminds them that they are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit (3:16, 6:19). Look for the obvious emotions that filled Paul’s heart as he wrote this letter. You will see a wide range of moods expressed here, from anger to shame to sorrow to tenderness. He longs for them to adjust their behaviour to reflect the righteousness of Jesus. Paul’s words correct jealousies and pride, steering people away from extremes that undermine Christian unity and love. This book deserves repeated readings. Examine areas in your own life where you may need to make a change. Paul gave the Corinthians what they needed: straightforward advice. Much of what the bible has to say about spiritual gifts is found here. It also offers uplifting words about love (Chapter 13) and the resurrection (Chapter 15).
2 Corinthians
Who wrote this book and when?
The apostle Paul wrote it in about A.D. 55.
Why was it written?
Inner strife had been happening in the church in Corinth. Paul wrote to calm the disagreements, to restore unity to the body of believers and to re-establish his role as leader.
Pleas of a concerned father - Paul’s vulnerability reveals true leadership to an unruly church.
What issues does it raise?
Handling dissension within the church, false teaching, church leadership, and financial support for fellow believers and for the poor.
In this book Paul discusses the joys, sorrows, ambitions, frustrations and assurances he has for the believers at Corinth. Examining his emotions and his willingness to be vulnerable can be helpful in developing our own relationship with God. The letter divides into 3 sections.
Chapters 1-7 - Paul describes both the glory of the gospel message and his experiences as a minister of Jesus Christ.
Chapters 8-9 - Paul tries to collect money for the poverty stricken church in Jerusalem.
Chapters 10-13 - Paul defends himself against church members who refused to recognise his authority as an apostle and leader. In the middle of Paul’s defence you will find a beautiful lesson: You can find strength in time of weakness when you lean on the one who grants more power than you could ever imagine. In your weakness, you discover God’s power!
There are practical examples and advice on resolving conflict, personality conflicts between church members, theological conflicts over false teachings, and cultural conflicts between the church and the world.
1-7章 描述福音信息的荣耀以及他自己成为耶稣基督的使者的经历。
8-9章 为经受贫困折磨的耶路撒冷的教会募集资金。
10-13章 保罗抨击了哥林多教会中拒绝他使徒和领袖身份的一些信徒的错误认识。在保罗辩论的中间部分有很好的启示:软弱的时候倚靠主,你会从他身上得到超乎想象的能力。在你脆弱时,你会发现神的力量!
Who wrote this book and when?
Paul, the apostle, wrote it probably around A.D. 48-53, less then 25 years after Jesus ministry on earth.
To whom was it written and why?
To Christians in Galatia, a Roman province in the central part of what is now called Turkey, to denounce and correct false teachings that had come into the churches Paul and Barnabus had earlier established. False teachers insisted that Gentile Christians had to keep the ritual laws of the Jews. Paul also wrote to defend his integrity as an apostle and to reassert his love for the Galatians.
No additives needed - A call to hold fast to the liberating truth of the gospel.
How to read Galatians:
The book of Galatians warns against mixing legalism and human works into the simple gospel. It describes artificial additives and their toxic effects. This book offers a spiritual health check - a clear explanation of what it means to be saved by faith. Galatians divides into 3 equal parts. In the first 2 chapters, Paul shares an autobiographical account of the events that changes his life and led him to be a defender of the true gospel of salvation by grace through faith. In the next two chapters, he uses a number of Old Testament characters to illustrate the theological truths he proclaims. He begins the last two chapters by declaring “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (5:1). He then explains the practical implications of the gospel upon a life set free by grace and lived out under the control of the Holy Spirit. This life is characterised by “lobe, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (5:22-23). Galatians takes you back to the basics - what the gospel is, how you receive it and how you can apply it in your daily life.
Who wrote this book and when?
The apostle Paul wrote it sometime during his imprisonment in Rome, around A.D.60-62.
To whom was it written and why?
To believers in Ephesus, (a city in modern day Turkey), to encourage them to think of themselves in a whole new way. Instead of those in bondage to their previous involvement in idol worship, illicit sex and foolish philosophies, Paul wanted them to think of themselves as people “in Christ” - people with a radically new identity. (2:12-13).
Together in Christ! Living worthy of our rich inheritance in Jesus Christ.
How to read Ephesians:
The greatest adventure in life is discovering the purpose of our lives. This letter answers the question men and women have asked throughout all time “Why am I here?” The answer may to surprise you. We have been created to walk in harmony with our God and fellow believers. Our destiny is to co-operate with God as He enables us to do good works (2:10) and thus display God’s character to the world. Our purpose? Interested? Then read Ephesians.
When you read Ephesians as God for a revelation of who He is and of His measureless love for you (1:17-23; 3:15-21). Join with Paul in giving thanks and praise for all you have received “in Christ” (1:3-14). Respond in worship as you note that the “unsearchable riches of Christ” (3:8) were given to you as a result of the powerful and praiseworthy work of the majestic God who reaches out to his people and brings them together with him and with each other. In Chapter 3 look for the truth that Gentiles and Jews have been given equal access to God and his gifts. No matter what nationality, we have become part of one body in Jesus Christ! The letter divides into 3 parts. Chapters 1-3 speak of the Christian’s wealth in Christ, 4:1- 6:9 of the Christians walk, 6:10-24 of the Christian’s warfare. As you study this book, you’ll learn about God’s intentions for his people, and you’ll gain insight into the nature of the church. The last half of the book offers practical ways to live in unity with God and one another.