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The Beauty of Simplicity 简单之美

发表于 2003-5-21 15:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesome simple, that is creativity. 把简单的复杂化,那是稀松平常;把复杂的简单化,那是高度创意. The great scientist Einstein prefers simplicity. He insists that the laws which govern the physical world are simple. His equation of relativity is simple, awesome simple and beautiful. 爱因斯坦主张简单,喜欢简单,欣赏简单.他说:『在科学界如果你导出来的公式很复 杂,十之八九你错了.』他的相对论公式简单而美丽. Some religions boast about their many volumes of canons. Christianity rether believes in one Bible.Some religions take pride in the complexity of their philosophy. Christianity rather insists a simple approach to salvation, namely, justification by faith. 有的宗教夸口他们有许多经典,但基督教只相信一本圣经.有的宗教夸称他们的哲理 深奥,但基督教坚持因信称义的简单救恩. An uneducated person might not have the mental capacity to understand complex philosophy. Fortunately he/she could still come to Jesus Christ, a simple and beautiful approach. 一个未受教育的小民,无法理解深奥的哲理,但他可以相信耶稣的大爱,简单而美丽. A dying sick person might not have the physical strength to earn merits. Fortunately he/she could still accept the precious blood of Christ, a simple and beautiful approach. 一个卧病垂危的病人,无力行善积功德,但他可以接受耶稣的宝血,简单而美丽.
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