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The Beauty of Motherhood 母爱之美

发表于 2003-5-11 15:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Blessed is the mother who understand her child, for she shall build a paradise of good memories. 了解她孩子的母亲有福了,她建造了美好回忆的乐园. Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort, for she shall inherit a child's devotion. 知道怎样安慰孩子的母亲有福了,她将拥有她孩子的爱戴. Blessed is the mother who teaches the word of God, for she shall take pride of her children. 教导儿女上帝话语的母亲有福了,她将会以儿女为荣. Blessed is the mother who pray for her children, for she shall find confidence and peace. 为她儿女祷告的母亲有福了,她将拥有自信和平安. Blessed is the mother who emphasizes the positive and minimizes the negative, for she shall see sweet personality in her child. 强调孩子的长处而不是短处的母亲有福了,她儿子将展现美好人格. Blessed is the mother who teaches responsibility, for she shall be respected. 教导儿女责任感的母亲有福了,她将赢得儿女的尊敬. Blessed is the mother who turns he home into a school of character, for she shall be filled with joy. 将家庭经营成为建造品德之学校的母亲有福了,她将充满喜乐.
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