本帖最后由 以琳静悄悄 于 2015-6-21 21:35 编辑
How deep the Father’s love for us 天父的爱深越海洋 How vast beyond all measure 广阔也无法测量 That He should give His only Son 祂赐下祂独生爱子 To make a wretch His treasure 怜我罪人施恩义 How great the pain of searing loss 裂肺撕心哀唤悲鸣 The Father turns His face away 天父转脸不听不应 As wounds which mar the chosen One 赎罪羔羊流血舍命 Bring many sons to glory 引领世人进天庭
Behold the Man upon a cross 人子被挂十字宝架 My sin upon His shoulders 把我众罪全卸下 Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice 卑鄙的我仿若暴徒 Call out among the scoffers 狂言秽语乱叫骂 It was my sin that held Him there 祂为我罪甘愿受苦 Until it was accomplished 完成使命义无反顾 His dying breath has brought me life 十架舍命,拯救生灵 I know that it is finished 完成使命,救主得胜
I will not boast in anything 我没有可夸耀之处 No gifts, no powr’s, no wisdom 无财、无势、无智慧 But I will boast in Jesus Christ 但因救主受死复活 His death and resurrection 我能夸耀耶稣基督 Why should I gain from His reward? 为何蒙主施恩赐福 I cannot give an answer 我不知道如何答复 But this I know with all my heart 但我心里清楚明白 His wounds have paid my ransom 主流宝血赎我罪债 |