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发表于 2010-1-17 02:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-17 22:23 | 显示全部楼层










每日读经 一年读完一遍

Daily Devotion - One Year Bible Reading Plan (1/17)
創世記 (Genesis)
And it came to pass after these things, that one told Joseph, Behold, thy father is sick: and he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
And one told Jacob, and said, Behold, thy son Joseph cometh unto thee: and Israel strengthened himself, and sat upon the bed.
48:3雅各對約瑟說,全能的 神曾在迦南地的路斯向我顯現,賜福與我。
And Jacob said unto Joseph, God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me,








慕安德烈每日靈修 1/17









God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray 1/17


"The love of God is shed abroad i? OUT hearts, by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us."—ROM. v. 5.

The thought sometimes arises, as we consider Christ's love to us, our love to Christ, our love to the brethren or to souls around us:—the demand is too great, it is unattainable, it is impossible for a Christian to live this life of love, and to show it to the brethren and to needy souls. And because we deem it impossible, and because of our unbelief and lack of faith in God's promises, we make little progress in this spirit of love.

We need continually to remind ourselves that it is not in our own strength, or even by serious thought that we can attain to the love of Christ. We must realize the truth that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, and will daily afresh be poured out by the Spirit of God. It is only as we are wholly surrendered to the leading of the Spirit that we will be able to live according to God's will. When the inner life of love is renewed from day to day we shall feel compelled to work for souls.

Here is a prayer that you can offer: "I bow my knees unto the Father, that He would grant you, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may know the low of Christ which passeth knowledge," You may be rooted and grounded in this love, and know the love that passeth knowledge—but on one condition—you must be strength?ened by the Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your heart. Then you will indeed be rooted and grounded in love.

Christian, take this message from God's Word, and let it influence your life. Unless you wait upon God daily on your knees, for His Spirit to be revealed in your heart, you cannot I've in this love. A life of prayer will make a life in the love of Christ, in the love of the brethren, in love to souls, a blessed reality in your experience.

Put your confidence each day in secret in the Holy Spirit— the Spirit of love which Cod will give to those who ask in faith.






荒漠甘泉 1/17




如果你與上帝同行,仰望祂給你隨時的幫助,永活的上帝保險不會誤你的事。一個主內年長的弟兄,認識活的上帝已經四十四年了,祂作見證說:上帝從來沒有耽誤過我。在極大艱難、極重的試煉、極深的窮困和需要中,上帝從來沒有誤過我的事;因為我靠著祂的恩典能信祂,祂總隨時給我幫助。我樂意述說祂的名。──莫勒(Geo. Mueller)

馬丁路得有一次覺得他前途中危機四伏,因此他心中充滿了憂愁和恐懼;這時他自己知道必須抓住上面來的力量,纔能過去;他獨自枯坐著,用他的手指在桌面上畫這幾個字:「祂是永活的!」祂是永活的!他喜樂了,他恢復了。「祂是永活的」,也是我們的力量和盼望。今天世上的偉人、領袖、科學家等等,只能發光一時,不久就完了。人都會過去,祂是永存的。人是點著的燈,所以遲早會熄的,惟有祂是眞光,眾光之源,永遠常存的。──馬克拉倫(Alexander Maclaren)

崔倫保(C.C. Trumbull)說:「有一天我去見靈命頂深的亞當博士(Dr. John Douglas Adam),他告訴我他以為靈命中最寶貴的一份,就是靈中不斷感覺主的確實同在。沒有一樣東西比感覺主的確實同在更能堅固他;這是實在的,並不是一種情感、幻想,或者心理作用。



Streams in the Desert 1/17

The Living God

"O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee" (Dan. 6:20).

How many times we find this expression in the Scriptures, and yet it is just this very thing that we are so prone to lose sight of. We know it is written "the living God"; but in our daily life there is scarcely anything we practically so much lose sight of as the fact that God is the living God; that He is now whatever He was three or four thousand years since; that He has the same sovereign power, the same saving love towards those who love and serve Him as ever He had and that He will do for them now what He did for others two, three, four thousand years ago, simply because He is the living God, the unchanging One. Oh, how therefore we should confide in Him, and in our darkest moments never lose sight of the fact that He is still and ever will be the living God!

Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him and expect help from Him, He will never fail you. An older brother who has known the Lord for forty-four years, who writes this, says to you for your encouragement that He has never failed him. In the greatest difficulties, in the heaviest trials, in the deepest poverty and necessities, He has never failed me; but because I was enabled by His grace to trust Him He has always appeared for my help. I delight in speaking well of His name. --George Mueller

Luther was once found at a moment of peril and fear, when he had need to grasp unseen strength, sitting in an abstracted mood tracing on the table with his finger the words, "Vivit! vivit!" ("He lives! He lives!"). It is our hope for ourselves, and for His truth, and for mankind. Men come and go; leaders, teachers, thinkers speak and work for a season, and then fall silent and impotent. He abides. They die, but He lives. They are lights kindled, and, therefore, sooner or later quenched; but He is the true light from which they draw all their brightness, and He shines for evermore. --Alexander Maclaren

"One day I came to know Dr. John Douglas Adam," writes C. G. Trumbull. "I learned from him that what he counted his greatest spiritual asset was his unvarying consciousness of the actual presence of Jesus. Nothing bore him up so, he said, as the realization that Jesus was always with him in actual presence; and that this was so independent of his own feelings, independent of his deserts, and independent of his own notions as to how Jesus would manifest His presence.

"Moreover, he said that Christ was the home of his thoughts. Whenever his mind was free from other matters it would turn to Christ; and he would talk aloud to Christ when he was alone--on the street, anywhere--as easily and naturally as to a human friend. So real to him was Jesus' actual presence.



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