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发表于 2008-6-26 19:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

新生 译

2000年12月30日,我电邮并帖了一个贴子,是关于一位患脑瘤的年轻人死而复活的事,他的灵魂去了天堂,身体复活,带回主耶稣不久再来的信息。这信息源于圣经老师比莱.布丽姆(Billye Brim)的电视见证,由我的一位朋友整理而成。

从那以后,我自己调查,找到了史蒂夫.莫里因(Steve Morin)----那位年轻人的表姐朗达(Rhonda)的丈夫,史蒂夫与年轻人的家很近,他向我讲述了事情的全过程并纠正了先前的几个细节。以下是更准确的事实。我现在的激动之情仍然不减当初。











Back from heaven, with message!

On December 30, 2000, I e-mailed and posted a message about a young man who died from a brain tumor, went to heaven, and came back with a message about the Lord's soon return. What I sent was from notes taken by a friend from a television testimony given by Bible Teacher Billye Brim.

Since then, I have investigated and have been able to locate and speak with Billye's source, Steve Morin, the husband of the young man's cousin, Rhonda. Steve is close to the family and recounted the whole story with me and corrected some details. Below is more accurate version of what actually happened, no less exciting than what I first reported!.

Rhonda's cousin, Jamie, in his early 20s, developed a brain tumor. In about January 1999 the surgeons went into his brain but discovered that the tumor was inoperable. Jamie never regained consciousness. He was declared brain dead and was placed on artificial life support.

The doctors asked the parents if they would donate his organs for transplant purposes, pointing out the need of others. At first the parents said no, but that they would pray about it. While waiting, the doctors placed Jamie on ice to preserve the organs. His heart was still beating, but only at about two beats a minute.

A week to ten days later, the doctors approached the parents again. This time the parents said to go ahead and take the organs. The parents were devastated at the loss of their son, and the mother was crying. She said, "I want to see him one more time." The doctors said it would take some time to take him off the ice and allow him to warm. The parents waited.

They finally got to see their son one last time. But while viewing him, to everyone's shock, Jamie suddenly opened his eyes, lifted his hand, grabbed his father's arm and squeezed it, looking straight into his father's eyes! Stunned, the mother exclaimed to the doctors, "Is this normal?"

Miraculously, Jamie was conscious! The doctors discovered that he had brain waves again! He began to improve. In about two weeks he began to speak a little. In about 3-4 weeks he was able to relate what had happened to him.

Jamie shared that his spirit had left his body and gone to heaven. He saw departed relatives there, including his grandmother and grandfather. He saw his sister, who had died of cancer when she was very young, but now in heaven she was grown. The sister said to him, "I want you to meet your other sister." Jamie did not know that he had another sister, but she told him that this was a sister who had been lost due to a miscarriage by his mother that Jamie had never known about! That baby was also fully grown.

Jamie saw Jesus, who spoke to him and said, "You go back and tell everyone you know that I am coming very, very soon."

Jamie replied, "They know that."

Jesus quickly answered, "No, they do not know that! You go back and tell them that I am coming very, very, very soon." (This time, three verys, with emphasis.)

Of course, we know that Jamie did exactly as he was told. But he never totally recovered, and he died later in 1999.

Jamie was sent back temporarily by the King of kings to give us this message. It is both comforting and confirming.

The message was given to me, and now I am passing it on to you.

发表于 2008-6-26 20:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-26 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-26 20:55:03编辑过]

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发表于 2008-6-26 22:05 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2008-6-26 23:55 | 显示全部楼层

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