新法语角!!!不妨试试!听听! ★ 免费法语角,外教主持 ★ 2007年4月-6 月 ★ 每周三,五(18:30—19:30) ★ 每周六中午11:00-12:00(why not have funny lunch together with French teacher after) ★ 东城区分部 北京市东城区东中街58号
美惠大厦2单元502室 电话:0106201-9118 01089102723 01089102738 01065542521 01065541678 New French corner, here, in Rabbi Consulting Company. Come to share your culture, opinion, knowledge, Come to present your country and his ways and customs Come to participate a funny and educational experience.
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Venez partager votre culture, vos opinions, vos connaissances. Venez faire découvrir votre pays et ses us & coutumes. Venez participer à une expérience éducative et amusante.