This is what God in his wisdom said about you: I will send prophets and apostles to them, and they will kill some and persecute the others. And you of this generation will be held responsible for the murder of all God's prophets from the creation of the world. (Luke 11:49-50 NLT)
The above verses are Jesus talking to the religious leaders of that day. He was saying that those whom God had sent were persecuted and killed by the established order, by them.
Some of you face the established order now.
You have truth in your heart but you know that to speak it or act on it will result in unpleasant consequences.
On your job, in your family, in your school or among your friends the truth can set you free but it can also get you fired, friendless, forsaken and frustrated. It can get you persecuted and in many ways killed.
Some bring truth. Some hide, suppress, distort and kill truth.
You are either a truth bearer and receiver or them.
You either go along with things because it is simply easier to do so or you try to make things right.
From the creation of the world there has been truth and them.
I don't know the truth that you struggle with right now. It hides within you but cries out to be heard.
In your group drugs, alcohol, dishonesty, unscrupulous business practices, cheating, cursing, lying, hypocrisy, greed or a host of other things may be the established order.
I speak now to the prophet or apostle of the house.
It's time to let "them" know the truth.
~A MountainWings Original~