Living for You
世世代代,你作我们的居所,从亘古到永远,你是耶和华弥赛亚。 Throughout all generations, you have been our dwelling place, from everlasting to everlasting; you are the Lord, the Messiah.
分分秒秒,你在我们的心中,从死亡到复活,你是耶和华弥赛亚。 Every minute, in our minds, from death to Rising, you are the Lord, the Messiah.
一百年算不算沧海,在你看来不过是过往的云烟,一千年够不够桑田,在你看来不过是逝去的昨天。 The blue sea is like the passing clouds in your sight; one thousand year is like a day that has just gone by.
我主求你指教我们,怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心,得着永恒的生命。 My Lord, teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom, gain eternal life.
我主求你怜悯我们,天天能够享受你的慈爱,好叫我们一生一世欢呼,一生一世为你而活。 My Lord, have compassion on us, that we may enjoy your steadfast love everyday, sing for joy and live for you all our days.
分分秒秒,你在我们心中,从死亡到复活,你是弥赛亚。 Every minute, in our minds, from death to Rising, you are the Lord, the Messiah.