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The Portal

发表于 2005-4-6 08:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
=========== Over 20 years ago I read a fictional story about a device that would allow you to live forever. Strangely, I sit here thinking about that story now. The thought flooded my mind and interrupted what I was doing and said "write it now!" The operation of the device was simple. It was just a portal that you walked through, and when you walked through five years were added to your life. There was no cost, at least not in terms of money. Each time you walked through and gained five years, five years were removed from your memory. The good thing was, you could choose which five-year period would be erased. As the story was told, no one ever walked through because no one could find five years that they wanted to give up. Suppose I had that opportunity? Could I choose five years to give up? All have had periods in their lives rougher than others. ...times of economic strain ...times of ailing and aching bodies. ...times of romantic loneliness, turmoil, or heartbreak. ...times of fear and uncertainty. and then ...times of prosperity and plenty. ...times exhilarating youthful energy and vitality. ...times where love conquers all. ...times where we can't wait until tomorrow. What were the worst five years of my life? Would I erase those if I could? Would you? The tough times made me stronger, wiser, and more appreciative of the easy times. The tough times are just as much a part of who I am and why I am who I am as the easy times. I can look outside on a freezing day and appreciate warmth because as a teenager I carried newspapers at 4a.m. each morning on a bicycle. My hands and feet were nearly frozen daily. Would I give up those five years of the freezing paper route? Not hardly. Each age has its beauty and its strain, its pleasure and its pain and with any piece missing, we are not the same. What I read 20 years ago was just a story. There is only one true way to get eternal life. That is also a portal. It does not require that you erase anything of the past, just get some things straight in the present that automatically washes away some things of the past. "Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that find it." Matt 7:14 ~A MountainWings Original~
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