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发表于 2005-2-6 12:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
创世记第三十二章: 32:1 雅各仍旧行路, 神的使者遇见他。 32:2 雅各看见他们就说:“这是 神的军兵。”于是给那地方起名叫玛哈念(注:就是“二军兵”的意思)。 32:3 雅各打发人先往西珥地去,就是以东地,见他哥哥以扫, 32:4 吩咐他们说:“你们对我主以扫说:‘你的仆人雅各这样说,我在拉班那里寄居,直到如今。 32:5 我有牛、驴、羊群、仆婢,现在打发人来报告我主,为要在你眼前蒙恩。’” 32:6 所打发的人回到雅各那里说:“我们到了你哥哥以扫那里,他带着四百人,正迎着你来。” 32:7 雅各就甚惧怕,而且愁烦,便把那与他同在的人口和羊群、牛群、骆驼分做两队, 32:8 说:“以扫若来击杀这一队,剩下的那一队还可以逃避。” 32:9 雅各说:“耶和华我祖亚伯拉罕的 神,我父亲以撒的 神啊,你曾对我说:‘回你本地本族去,我要厚待你。’ 32:10 你向仆人所施的一切慈爱和诚实,我一点也不配得。我先前只拿着我的杖过这约旦河,如今我却成了两队了。 32:11 求你救我脱离我哥哥以扫的手,因为我怕他来杀我,连妻子带儿女一同杀了。 32:12 你曾说:‘我必定厚待你,使你的后裔如同海边的沙,多得不可胜数。’” 32:13 当夜,雅各在那里住宿,就从他所有的物中拿礼物要送给他哥哥以扫: 32:14 母山羊二百只,公山羊二十只,母绵羊二百只,公绵羊二十只, 32:15 奶崽子的骆驼三十只,各带着崽子;母牛四十只,公牛十只,母驴二十匹,驴驹十匹。  32:16 每样各分一群,交在仆人手下,就对仆人说:“你们要在我前头过去,使群群相离,有空闲的地方。” 32:17 又吩咐尽先走的说:“我哥哥以扫遇见你的时候,问你说:‘你是哪家的人?要往哪里去?你前头这些是谁的?’ 32:18 你就说:‘是你仆人雅各的,是送给我主以扫的礼物,他自己也在我们后边。’” 32:19 又吩咐第二、第三和一切赶群畜的人说:“你们遇见以扫的时候,也要这样对他说。 32:20 并且你们要说:‘你仆人雅各在我们后边。’”因雅各心里说:“我藉着在我前头去的礼物解他的恨,然后再见他的面,或者他容纳我。” 32:21 于是礼物先过去了。那夜,雅各在队中住宿。 32:22 他夜间起来,带着两个妻子、两个使女,并十一个儿子都过了雅博渡口。 32:23 先打发他们过河,又打发所有的都过去, 32:24 只剩下雅各一人。有一个人来和他摔跤,直到黎明。 32:25 那人见自己胜不过他,就将他的大腿窝摸了一把,雅各的大腿窝正在摔跤的时候就扭了。 32:26 那人说:“天黎明了,容我去吧!”雅各说:“你不给我祝福,我就不容你去。” 32:27 那人说:“你名叫什么?”他说:“我名叫雅各。” 32:28 那人说:“你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列,因为你与神与人较力,都得了胜。” 32:29 雅各问他说:“请将你的名告诉我。”那人说:“何必问我的名?”于是在那里给雅各祝福。 32:30 雅各便给那地方起名叫□努伊勒(注:就是“ 神之面”的意思),意思说:“我面对面见了 神,我的性命仍得保全。” 32:31 日头刚出来的时候,雅各经过□努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。 32:32 故此,以色列人不吃大腿窝的筋,直到今日,因为那人摸了雅各大腿窝的筋。
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-6 12:05 | 显示全部楼层


  三二1~8 雅各往迦南途中,遇见一队神的使者,就给那地方起名叫玛哈念(“玛哈念”就是二军兵或军营的意思)。二军营可能是指神的军兵(2节)和雅各的随行人,一队是他自己的妻儿、仆婢,还有一队是神的使者。神的使者们一直在他四围,此刻是为了安慰与激励他而显现出来,好让他体会到神的同在、照顾和保护。雅各藉此异象得知神差遣天军来一路护送他回迦南地。二军兵也可能是代表一大群人的象征数字(10节)。


  三二9~12 雅各切切需要神保护他,促使他作出祷告,恳求神保护他和他的家人。这是基于耶和华与他和他先祖的立约关系;他在谦卑的心灵状态下祷告。他的祷告建基在神的话并前来求取神的应许。最好的祷告来自内心强烈的需要。我们趋于自保,常疏于为多方祷告的生活。为什么我们会犯这样的错?

  三二13~21 雅各差人连送三群共五百八十头的畜群给以扫作礼物,想要解他的恨。以扫三次收取这些礼物。雅各的策略显出他的不信,至少是信与不信参杂。雅各一面依靠神,一面又自己尽力打算。信徒遇事时的反应,常是一面向神祷告,一面又自己筹算应付之道,前门顺服神,后门预备出路。这是属灵生命不够成熟之人的真实情形。

  三二22~31 雅各打发直系亲属过了雅博(“他必倒空”的意思)渡口,就独个儿在毗努伊勒过了一夜,面对人生一次重要的经历。有一个人来和他摔交。那人是天使(何一二4),是耶和华的使者,就是主自己。“那人见自己胜不过他……”神并不是真的胜不过雅各,而是神不愿意在雅各还未认清自己之前,就胜过他。后来主将他的大腿窝模了一把,他的大腿就瘸了,使他余生都要一瘸一拐地走路。凡是真正遇见过神的人,他的身上必然带着某种表记,免得他自高(林后十二7)。




  三二32 以色列人不吃大腿窝的筋,是因为雅各大腿窝的筋被神摸着了。费察林指出今天的犹太人仍然奉行第32节经文的原则:“为正统犹太人预备肉食前,必须先把将宰割动物的坐骨神经或大腿神经切除。”


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发表于 2005-3-20 17:41 | 显示全部楼层
Genesis 32 Jacob's Fear of Esau 1Now as Jacob went on his way, (A)the angels of God met him. 2Jacob said when he saw them, "This is God's [a]camp." So he named that place (B)Mahanaim. 3Then Jacob (C)sent messengers before him to his brother Esau in the land of (D)Seir, the country of (E)Edom. 4He also commanded them saying, "Thus you shall say to my lord Esau: 'Thus says your servant Jacob, "I have sojourned with Laban, and (F)stayed until now; 5(G)I have oxen and donkeys and flocks and male and female servants; and I have sent to tell my lord, (H)that I may find favor in your sight."'" 6The messengers returned to Jacob, saying, "We came to your brother Esau, and furthermore (I)he is coming to meet you, and four hundred men are with him." 7Then Jacob was (J)greatly afraid and distressed; and he divided the people who were with him, and the flocks and the herds and the camels, into two companies; 8for he said, "If Esau comes to the one company and attacks it, then the company which is left will escape." 9Jacob said, "O (K)God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, O LORD, who said to me, '(L)Return to your country and to your relatives, and I will prosper you,' 10I am unworthy (M)of all the lovingkindness and of all the faithfulness which You have shown to Your servant; for with my staff only I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two companies. 11"(N)Deliver me, I pray, (O)from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, that he will come and attack me and the (P)mothers with the children. 12"For You said, '(Q)I will surely prosper you and (R)make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which is too great to be numbered.'" 13So he spent the night there. Then he selected from what he had with him a (S)present for his brother Esau: 14two hundred female goats and twenty male goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams, 15thirty milking camels and their colts, forty cows and ten bulls, twenty female donkeys and ten male donkeys. 16He delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and said to his servants, "Pass on before me, and put a space between droves." 17He commanded the one in front, saying, "When my brother Esau meets you and asks you, saying, 'To whom do you belong, and where are you going, and to whom do these animals in front of you belong?' 18then you shall say, 'These belong to your servant Jacob; it is a present sent to my lord Esau. And behold, he also is behind us.'" 19Then he commanded also the second and the third, and all those who followed the droves, saying, "After this manner you shall speak to Esau when you find him; 20and you shall say, 'Behold, your servant Jacob also is behind us.'" For he said, "I will appease him with the present that goes before me. Then afterward I will see his face; perhaps he will accept me." 21So the present passed on before him, while he himself spent that night in the camp. 22Now he arose that same night and took his two wives and his two maids and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the (T)Jabbok. 23He took them and sent them across the stream. And he sent across whatever he had. Jacob Wrestles 24Then Jacob was left alone, and a man (U)wrestled with him until daybreak. 25When he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of his thigh; so the socket of Jacob's thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him. 26Then he said, "Let me go, for the dawn is breaking." But he said, "(V)I will not let you go unless you bless me." 27So he said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob." 28(W)He said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but [c]Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed." 29Then (X)Jacob asked him and said, "Please tell me your name." But he said, "Why is it that you ask my name?" And he blessed him there. 30So Jacob named the place [d]Peniel, for he said, "(Y)I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved." 31Now the sun rose upon him just as he crossed over (Z)Penuel, and he was limping on his thigh. 32Therefore, to this day the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew of the hip which is on the socket of the thigh, because he touched the socket of Jacob's thigh in the sinew of the hip.

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