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发表于 2005-2-5 11:52
X. 书的历史背景
注1: Arthur K. Robertson, “Matthew,” Everyman’s Bible Commentary, Moody Press, 1983, p.6.
注2: R.T. France, “Matthew,” Tyndale New Testament Commentary, IVP, 1985, p.16.
注3: R.V.G. Tasker, “Matthew,” Tyndale New Testament Commentary, Eerdmans, 1981 (1961), pp.17-18
注4: J.V. McGee, Moving Thru Matthew, Pasadena: Thru the Bible Books, n.d., p.3; Robert H. Mounce, “Matthew,” A Good News Commentary, Harper & Row, 1985, p.xiii.
注5: W. Kummel, Introduction to the New Testament, Abingdon, 1975, p.121.
注6: W.C. Allen, “Matthew,” International Critical Commentary, T & T Clark 1972 , (1907), p.lxxxi.
注7: D.E. Hiebert, An Introduction to the New Testament ,Vol.I,Moody Press, 1975,p.47 D. Guthrie, New Testament Introduction, Vol.I,IVP, 1970,p.29.
注8: T. Zahn, Introduction to the New Testament, II, K & K Christian Publishers, 1977 (1953r) , p.387.
注9: Ibid., p. 390.
注10: 有关这方面的细节可参W.F. Albight & C.S. Mann, “Matthew,” Anchor Bible, Doubleday,1971, pp.clxxvii-clxxxiv .
注11:E.J. Goodspeed, Matthew, Witness and Evangelist, Phil.: Wiston,1959, pp. 50-56; W. Wessel, “Matthew,” The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, IV, Zondervan, 1976, p.517.
注12:R.H. Gundry, The Use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew’s Gospel, Leiden: Brill, 1973, pp. 178-185.
注13:C.F.D. Moule, “St. Matthew’s Gospel: Some Neglected Features,” Studia Evangelica, II, 1964, pp.90-99.
R.T.France,“Matthew,” TNTC, p.33; Krister Stendahl, The School of St. Matthew and its Use of the Old Testament, Fortress,1968 (1954),
注14:David Hill, “Matthew,” The New Century Bible Commentary, Eerdmans, 1981 (1972) p.22.
注15:R.T. France, pp.28-29; R.T. France, Matthew :Evangelist and Theologian, Zondervan, 1985. p.13.
注16:D.A. Carson, “Matthew,” Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Zondervan, 1984.p.4.
注17:Henry Alford, “Matthew,” Alford’s Greek Testament, Guardian Press,1976 (1974) p.31.
注18: W.R. Farmer, The Synoptic Problem, Macmillan, 1964, pp. 199-232.此作者另一精辟巨著 Jesusand the Gospel, Fortress,1982,pp.93-176力倡马太著成日期较马可为先的论点实不容忽视。
注19:J.A.T. Robinson, Redating the New Testament, SCM, 1976, pp.323-327.
注20:A.H. McNiele, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, Baker, 1980(1915), p.xxvii.
注21:R.T. France, “Matthew,” TNTC,p.29.
注22:H.W. Hoehner, New Testament Introduction Mimeographed class notes, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1973.
注23:如 W.C. Allan (ICC), p.xlvii; R.H. Gundry, Matthew, A Commentary on His Literary and Theological Art, Eerdmans, 1982,p.5.
注24: J.C. Fenton, “Matthew,” Pelican New Testament Commentaries, Penguin Books, 1976 (1963), p.11.
注25: D. Guthrie, New Testament Introduction (Gospels-Acts), Tyndale Press, 1965 (1960), p.43.
注26: R.T. France, “Matthew,” TNTC, pp.29-30; 另参E.F. Harrison,New Testament Introduction , Eermans, 1968, p.166.
注27: A.T. Robertson, A Grammar of the Greek Testament in the Light of Historical Research , Broadman Press, 1934, p.119.
注28: W.G. Scroggie, A Guide to the Gospels, Pickering & Inglis,1965 (1948), p.248.
注29: W. Hendriksen, The Gospel of Matthew, Baker,1973,p.97.
注30: R.T. France, Matthew: Evangelist and Teacher, p.91.
注31: R.H. Gundry, Matthew, p.88; E.F. Harrison, p.174; R.H. Mounce,p.xiv; C.C. Ryrie, Biblical Theology of the New Testament, Moody Press, 1966 (1959),p.30; F.F. Bruce, “Matthew,” Understanding the New Testament, A.J.
Holman Co., 1978 (1970); p.6; B.F. Streeter, The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins, Macmillan, 1924, pp.500-527.
注32:S.G.F. Brandson, The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church,SPCK, 1951,pp.177-178.
注33:W. Barclay, “Matthew,” The Daily Study Bible Series, Vol.I,
Westminster Press, 1975 (1956),p.2.
注34:R.T. France, Matthew: Evangelist & Teacher, pp.134-135
注35:D.E. Hiebert, An Introduction to the New Testament, Vol.I, The Gospels and Acts, Moody Press, 1975, p.51.
注36:D.A. Carson, p.12.
注37:D.E. Hiebert, I, p.49.
注38:D.A. Carson,p.12.
注39:J.W. Wenham, “Gospel Origins, “Trinity Journal, 1978, 7:12-134.
注40:D.A. Carson, p.15.
注41:D.E. Hiebert,I, p.53.
注42:D. Guthrie (pp.38-39) 倾向此解释。
注43:D.E. Hiebert, I,p.55.
注44:T.Zahn, p.394.
注45:R.T. France, Matthew: Evangelist & Teacher, p.57.
注46:W.G. Scroggie, pp.268-270.
注47:E.D. Burton, A Short Introduction to the Gospels, University of Chicago Press, 1940, p.13.
注48: 如K. Stendahl, p.23; 另参 F.F. Bruce, p.6; E.F. Harrison,
p.163; “Matthew,” Harper’s New Testament commentary,Hendrickson Publishers, 1987 (1960), p.4.
注49:J.C. Fenton, p.33.
注50:Bastian Van Elderen, “The Purpose of Parables According to Mt.13:10-17,” New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed., R.N. Longenecker & M.C. Tenney, Zondervan, 1974, p.190.
注51: 合J.D. Pentecost, Things To Come, Dunham, 1958, p.456; J.F. Walvoord, Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come, Moody Press, 1974, p. 9,12-13,17.
注52:J.C. Fenton, p.15.
注53:K. Stendahl, p.25.
注54:N.B. Stonehouse, The Witness of Matthew and Mark to Christ, Tyndale Press, 1944, pp.129-131.
注55:J.D. Kingsbury, Matthew; Structure Christology, Kingdom, Fortress, 1975, pp.7-25.
注56:B.W. Bacon, “The Five Books of Matthew Against the Jews,” The Expositor,15 (1918), pp.55-56. 另参D.Hill,pp.44- 48.
注57:F.W. Beare, The Gospel According to Matthew, Hendrickson Publishers, 1987 (1981),p.35
注58:W.C. Allen (ICC),p.lxii.
注59:G.E. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament, Eerdmans, 1974, p. 110.
注60:D.A. Carson, p.370.
注61:R.T. France, “Matthew,” TNTC, p.50.
注62:W.S. McBirnie, The Search for the Twelve Apostles, Tyndale Press, 1973, p.174.
注63:K. Stendahl, p.35.