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Does God Really Care About Us?

发表于 2003-9-29 13:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Does God Really Care About Us? AT SOME time in your life, you may have asked: 'If there is a God who really cares about us, why does he permit so much suffering?' All of us have experienced suffering or have known someone who has. Indeed, throughout history people have suffered pain and heartache from war, cruelty, crime, injustice, poverty, sickness, and the death of loved ones. In our 20th century alone, wars have killed over 100 million people. Hundreds of millions of others have been injured or have lost homes and possessions. Ever so many horrible things have happened in our time, resulting in great sorrow, many tears, and a sense of hopelessness on the part of countless numbers of people. Some become embittered and feel that if there is a God, he does not really care about us. Or they may even feel that there is no God. For instance, a man who suffered from ethnic persecution that caused the death of friends and family in World War I asked: "Where was God when we needed him?" Another, who survived the murder of millions by the Nazis in World War II, was so grieved by the suffering he saw that he said: "If you could lick my heart, it would poison you." Thus, many people cannot understand why a good God would allow bad things to happen. They question whether he really cares about us or whether he exists at all. And many of them feel that suffering will always be a part of human existence.
发表于 2003-10-1 23:59 | 显示全部楼层
God always gives us free will to choose "believe him, obey him and follow him". But people always turned God down. In the beginning, God created everything good and beautiful. Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything which he had made and it was very good. But how did Adam react to God's goodness? Do you think Adam has the right to ask God "Why should I work hard to earn the livings for me and my family?" " Why should my wife endure the pain in childbirth?" blah, blah, blah That's what many persons do today. They don't believe in God, let alone follow him. But when tough time come, they think they have the right to blame God. Because God is GOOD, he shouldn't let such tragedies happen in their lives. But they forget God is also RIGHTEOUS! By saying that, I didn't mean every victim in war or any other tragedies deserved what they endured. "Don't be afraid of those who can deprive your flesh but not soul". Just like Abel in Genesis, who was killed by his brother Gain, innocent victims can present their cases in front of God, and God would take revenge for them. Mattew 24:6 And news will come to you of wars and talk of wars: do not be troubled, for these things have to be; but it is still not the end. 24:7 For nation will be moved against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and men will be without food, and the earth will be shaking in different places; 24:8 But all these things are the first of the troubles. 24:9 Then they will be cruel to you, and will put you to death: and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. 24:10 And numbers of people will be turned from the right way, and will give one another up and have hate for one another. 24:11 And a number of false prophets will come, causing error. 24:12 And because wrongdoing will be increased, the love of most people will become cold. 24:13 But he who goes through to the end will get salvation. 24:14 And this good news of the kingdom will be given through all the world for a witness to all nations; and then the end will come.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-2 1:15:15编辑过]

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