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发表于 2021-8-13 07:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 教会写手 于 2021-8-13 07:38 编辑






                                                                                                                                                                                          教会写手 译

What It Means To Believe

A missionary in Africa experienced great difficulty in trying to translate the Gospel of John into thelocal dialect. He faced the problem of finding a word for believe.He continued to do his best, but he always had to leave a blank space when hecame to that particular word.

Then one day a runner came panting into the camp, havingtraveled a great distance with a very important message. After blurting out hisstory, he fell completely exhausted into a nearby hammock. He muttered a briefphrase that seemed to express both his great weariness and his contentment atfinding such a delightful place of relaxation. The missionary, never havingheard these words before, asked a bystander what the runner had said. “Oh, heis saying, ‘I’m at the end of myself, therefore I am resting all of my weighthere!'” The missionary exclaimed, “Praise God! That is the very expression Ineed for the word believe!” And so he was able to complete histranslation.

To believe correctly, you must first admit that you are asinner and that you cannot do anything to save yourself. Then turn from yoursin and cast yourself wholly and unreservedly on Christ for salvation.

Have you believed on Jesus?

                                                                                                                                                       By:  Henry G. Bosch

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