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New Testament Book Outlines新约提纲

发表于 2003-6-8 20:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Matthew马太福音 Who wrote this book?作者 Matthew a Tax collector who became one of Jesus’ twelve disciples.马太,一个税吏,后来成为耶稣十二门徒之一。 When was it written?写作时间 Matthew may have written it in the A.D. 70’s (although some believe he may have written it in the 50'’ or 60's).大约在主后70-80年(也有认为是写于主后50-60或60-70年间) To whom was it written and why?写作对象及目的 Primarily it was written to Jewish readers, to offer irrefutable proof that the long-awaited Messiah had come to bring God’s kingdom on earth. He offered a persuasive account of the Good news of Jesus, citing Old Testament claims believers has been making about Jesus.主要写给犹太人,目的是以无可辩驳的证据指出犹太人盼望已久的弥赛亚已经将上帝的国度带到地上。对于耶稣所带来的好消息,作者引用旧约中先知的预言给出了有力的论证。 Theme: The Dawn of an extraordinary kingdom. The amazing words and deeds of Jesus the Messiah shatter cultural traditions. 主题:天国近了 主要是关于耶稣奇妙的言语和神迹以及他对传统的无情抨击 How to read Matthew: This gospel serves to connect the Old Testament with the story of the New Testament, helping us to understand how the life and teaching of Jesus Christ built upon what had come before. It begins with the genealogy of Jesus, the Messiah and records his birth. Starting with Chapter 3 it can be divided into 5 sections, each telling first what Jesus did and then what he said. One of Mathew’s major themes is the Kingdom of God. Jesus came to establish a whole new kind of kingdom, one far different from what anyone anticipated.如何阅读马太福音:这部福音书将旧约和新约联接起来,帮助我们理解耶稣基督的生平和教诲其实是旧约预言所记载的。它以耶稣,也就是弥赛亚的家谱起始,记录了他的出生。从第三章开始可以分成五个部分,分别记述了耶稣的作为和言行。马太福音的主旨是揭示天国的相关信息。耶稣降世是要建立一个不同于任何人期盼的全新的国度。 Mark马可福音 Who wrote this book?作者 John Mark, the son of a Jerusalem widow whose home was a meeting place for early believers (Acts 12:12). Mark most likely recorded the events as he heard them firsthand from the disciple Peter.约翰马可,他是一位居住在耶路撒冷寡妇的儿子,这位寡妇的屋子成为早期信徒们聚会的场所(使徒行传12:12)。马可极有可能是直接从使徒彼得那里获得的信息。 When was it written?写作时间 Possibly as early as A.D 50, others place it around A.D 65, closer to the time Peter was executed but before Jerusalem was destroyed by Roman armies in A.D 70.最早可能是主后50年,也有人认为大约在主后65年,即介于彼得被处死与罗马军队在主后70年摧毁耶路撒冷之间的那段时间。 To whom was it written and why?写作对象及目的 The book’s distinctly non-Jewish flavour suggests it may have been written for the believers in Rome. The Roman Empire, the dominant world power, had begun to persecute Christians. Mark wanted to encourage suffering believers. He showed Jesus as the suffering Servant who came to die as the Saviour of the entire world – Jews and Gentiles.这部福音书明显是针对非犹太读者,很有可能是写给罗马信徒。当时,鼎盛的罗马帝国开始迫害基督徒。马可意欲鼓励苦难中的信徒们。马可把一个受苦为仆的的救世主形象展现给我们:耶稣的死是为了整个世界——犹太人和外邦人的救赎。 Theme: Good news for people in crisis – Proclaiming the humility and power of Jesus to inspire faith and endurance.主题:危机中的福音——宣扬耶稣的谦卑和权能,坚固罗马信徒的信心,激励他们持守真道到底。 How to read Mark: This gospel paints a hope-giving portrait of the Savior who said that he “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (10:45). As you read Mark you will see Jesus the Servant at work – encouraging those without hope, healing the sick, helping people in need, setting free those who were in bondage, enlightening those who were in the darkness. More than 40% of the book focuses on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus’ final week on earth. Consider how you have benefited from His sacrifice.如何阅读马可福音:这部福音书描绘了一幅带来希望的救世主形象,他说他“并不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,并且要舍命,作多人的赎价“(10:45)。阅读马可福音的时候,你会看到耶稣象奴仆般服事——鼓励绝望者,治愈疾患者,帮助受困者,释放被缚者,给生活在黑暗中的人带去光明。超过40%以上的内容是关于耶稣在世最后一周所经受的苦难和牺牲。思考一下你自己从中可曾受益! Luke路加福音 Who wrote this book?作者 Luke, a Gentile medical doctor and a companion of Paul the apostle. He also wrote the book of Acts.路加,一个非犹太籍的医生,也是使徒保罗的同工。他还是使徒行传的作者。 When was it written?写作时间 Probably between A.D 59-63.大约在主后59-63 To whom was it written and why?写作对象及目的 Luke wrote to Theopholis, probably a Gentile who was either a new believer or someone seeking to learn about Jesus. Theopholis means “lover of God” leading some to think the book was written to people who loved God. Luke hoped Theopholis and other readers would learn that God’s love reaches out to enfold people from all nations – Jews and Gentile alike. 路加写信给提阿非罗,后者可能是一个外邦人,他要么是个初信者要么是个慕道友。提阿非罗的名字(其名意为“爱神的人“)提示本书是写给那些爱神的人们。路加希望提阿非罗以及其他读者明白上帝的爱覆盖所有民族——无论是犹太人还是外邦人。 Theme: A Saviour for all people – the pivotal event of history – God steps in to seek and save the lost. 主题:全民的救主——历史的枢纽——上帝步入历史寻找并拯救失丧者。 How to read Luke: In this Gospel we have a great variety of accounts of Jesus’ teaching and acts found nowhere else. We meet many individuals who are highlighted in their encounters with Jesus. Women, people with leprosy and others marginalised from society are touched by his life. At the heart of the book are three parables - stories of a lost coin, a lost coin and a lost son. All 3 highlight the message of the book – God’s loving and compassionate search for sinners in need of a Saviour. The whole gospel of Luke can be summarised in these words Jesus spoke – “the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost” (19:10). Luke also shows Jesus’ interest in the non-Jewish world and in the poor. It is the most detailed of the 4 Gospels. 如何阅读:在这部福音书中我们可以看到大量其他地方没有的耶稣的教导和事迹。对于很多邂逅耶稣的人,作者给予了浓彩重墨的描述。妇女,麻风病患者以及其他处在社会边缘的人们都感受到了耶稣的亲切关怀。本书的中心是三个寓言:迷羊、失钱和浪子的比喻。所有的故事都是为着集中烘托本书的主旨:上帝满怀慈爱和怜悯的寻找那些渴望救赎的罪人。路加福音的精神可以归纳成耶稣的一句话,“人子来,为要寻找拯救失丧的人”(19:10)。书中也显明了耶稣对外邦人以及穷人的关爱。它是四福音书当中最为详尽细致的一部。 John 约翰福音 Who wrote this book? 作者 John, the apostle – one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. 使徒约翰——耶稣的十二弟子之一 When was it written? 写作日期 Sometime between A.D. 80-95. John was probably in Ephesus, a city located in modern-day Turkey. 介于主后80-95年。当时约翰大概住在以弗所(位于今土耳其)。 To whom was it written? 写作对象 Non-Jewish followers of Jesus, particularly those struggling with Greek philosophies, which taught that salvation comes through special knowledge and that Jesus was divine but not truly human. John insists that salvation is received by believing in God’s son, Jesus, who came in human flesh. 写给外邦信徒,当时他们正与希腊哲学家激烈辩争,后者声称救赎来自于认知能力的提高,并且认为耶稣只是一种抽象的圣洁而并非是实实在在的人。约翰坚称惟有相信上帝的儿子——道成肉身的耶稣为救世主,人才能获得最终的救赎。 Why was it written? 写作目的 John himself explains his goal: “That you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (20:31). He wants people to have eternal life by knowing Jesus Christ. 约翰这样解释本书的目的:“要叫你们信耶稣是基督,是神的儿子,并且叫你们信了他,就可以因他的名的生命”(20:31)。他希望人们通过了解耶稣基督而获得永生。 Theme: That you may believe. Images of grace and truth that reveal Jesus as the Son of God. 主题:要你们相信。奇妙的形象和大量的事实均揭示出耶稣的确是上帝的儿子。 How to read John: Our world offers a variety of gods to worship. One major religion features a god of power and revenge; another worships one that is silent and indifferent to the suffering of people; still another offers a god that is mysterious and unknowable, absorbing all of humanity into the great cosmic ocean of oneness. Only one faith worships a person known primarily for his sacrificial love. This book profiles a unique God, revealed in the person of Jesus – God in Human flesh. This gospel shows that Jesus is God – the Son of God come in human flesh. 如何阅读:世人敬拜形形色色的神。一种主要的宗教尊崇一个强有力、复仇之神;另一种则敬拜一位对于人民苦难沉默、无动于衷的神;还有人信仰一位神秘、不可知的神,这位神把所有的与人性相关的东西归纳为无所不包容的唯一。只有一种信仰崇拜一位为爱献身的人。本书勾勒了这位独一无二的上帝,他以道成肉身的耶稣形象出现。本书显示耶稣就是上帝——神子道成肉身来到人间。 Acts 使徒行传 Who wrote this book? 作者 Luke, the same author of Luke’s Gospel. The books of Luke and Acts compose almost one fourth of the New Testament. 路加,也是路加福音的作者。路加福音和使徒行传 几乎占据全部新约的四分之一。 When was it written? 写作日期 Approximately A.D.63-70. 约在主后60-70年。 To whom was it written and why? 写作对象和目的 As an historian, Luke wrote to Theopholis to tell what happened after Jesus’ resurrection. Acts is the second volume of the Good News - the sequel to the account of the Gospels. In it Luke explained the amazing growth of Christianity, perhaps to legitimise the church to civil authorities or to confirm the faith of believers. Luke may also have wanted believers to understand the source of conflict between Jewish and Gentile Christians. 作为一名历史学者,路加在写给提阿非罗的信中讲述了耶稣复活后发生的事情。使徒行传是福音的第二卷——排在四福音书之后。路加详细记载了教会令人惊奇的成长经历,也许用意是推进教会的合法化或坚定信徒的信心。路加也试图让信徒们了解犹太人和外邦人之间冲突的根源。 Theme: 主题: Good news to all people – an explosion that’s still shaking the world. 全人类的福音——一个直到现在仍旧震撼世界的冲击。 How to read Acts:如何理解: This book shows how revival and church growth comes not through human effort, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thirty years of history are covered in this book and it is a precise and detailed account. The opening chapters describe how the church was born, tested and strengthened by the power of the Spirit. Chapters 8-12 describe a time of dynamic growth as the gospel began to break down some of the walls between Jews and Gentiles. The final chapters portray the witness of the church far beyond Jerusalem. These chapters largely focus on the apostle Paul, the church’s first great missionary. The Holy Spirit at work in the church in Acts is the same Holy Spirit that is still at work in the church today. So let us be His witnesses “to the ends of the earth” (1:8). 1. 本书主要说明教会的复兴与成长并不是借助人力,而是完全的仰赖于圣灵的能力。本书记载的历史事件时间跨度达三十年,叙述精确细致。最初的几章描述了教会的形成以及经受圣灵试验和强固的经历。8-12章记载的是由于犹太人和外邦人在理解福音上的分歧得以解决,故而福音的传播进入一个飞速增长的阶段。最后的几个章节是关于在远离耶路撒冷之地教会的见证。这部分集中记述了使徒保罗——教会历史上最伟大的传道士的事迹。运行于使徒时代的圣灵如今仍然运行在教会当中。所以我们要继续为他作见证“直到地极”(1:8)。 Romans 罗马书 Who wrote this book? 作者 The apostle Paul, who wrote about the grace of God both from experience (Acts 9:1-9) and education (Acts 22:3), wrote these words. 使徒保罗从个人经历(使徒行传9:1-9)和所受教育(使徒行传22:3)两个方面阐述了神的义。 When was it written? 写作日期 About A.D. 57. 约主后57年 To whom was it written and why? 写作对象和目的 Paul wrote to predominantly Gentile believers in the capital city of the Roman Empire: To introduce himself to the believers there and enlist their help in spreading the Gospel. To develop and defend the truth of the Gospel he had been preaching. 主要写给罗马信徒。保罗把自己的情况向信徒们作了介绍并且劝勉他们宣传福音。同时也是为了发展并且捍卫他一直宣扬的福音。 Theme: 主题: The power of God for salvation – The gospel – the divine solution for humanity’s common need. To encourage the Roman believers to rely solely on God’s grace for their salvation (3:24). 神救赎的力量——福音——关于人类普遍需求的圣洁解答。鼓励罗马信徒单单的仰望上帝的恩典来作为他们的救赎。 How to read Romans: 如何理解: The ultimate power source in all of life is the power of God. Romans reveals that God has won the victory over sin and death through Jesus, who paid the penalty by dying in our place, and who broke sin’s ultimate power over us. Through God’s power Christians can reflect the attitudes and actions of those who are deeply loved by God. It is a highly organised book. After a brief introduction, Paul declares that all humans regardless of background or nationality, are sinners and thus are not able to have a relationship with God. (1:18-3:20). Next he explains how God justly dealt with sin. Making the divine-human friendship possible (3:21 – 8:39). Paul then shows that our faith in response to God’s work on the cross is the key for our salvation and continues to be the way to gain access to the power of the indwelling Christ in order to say no to sin and yes to God. In Chapters 9-11 Paul summarises how God’s redemptive work through history has prepared a way for the Jews as well as people of every other nation (Gentiles) to benefit from his gift of grace through Jesus’ death on the cross. In the final five chapters you’ll receive practical guidance on how to live out your faith in unity with other believers “so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (15:6). 我们一切力量的源泉在于神。罗马书揭示出神通过耶稣已经战胜了罪和死亡:耶稣代替我们人类受死从而付上赎价,击碎了罪对我们的最终捆绑。通过神的大能基督徒可以体验到神的大爱。这是一本组织严密的著作。简短的介绍之后,保罗宣称人无论什么背景或者何种民族通通都是罪人,并且因此同上帝分离(1:18-3:20)。接着他解释了神如何公正的对待罪使得圣-人之间的友谊变的可能(3:21-8:39)。保罗进一步指出我们对神在十字架上牺牲这一事件的信念是我们得蒙救赎的关键,并且它使得我们可以住在基督里信靠上帝抵挡罪。在9-11章保罗概括指出上帝通过耶稣在十字架上的蒙难从而亲身的进入历史为犹太人和外邦人提供了一条得享他无上恩典的道路。在最后五章你会接受到实际的指导,那便是如何与教会中的其他信徒共同活出信心来“以一心一口荣耀神,我们主耶稣基督的父”(15:6)。
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