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发表于 2010-5-11 14:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

HAPPY is he to whom truth manifests itself, not in signs and words that fade, but as it actually is. Our opinions, our senses often deceive us and we discern very little.What good is much discussion of involved and obscure matters when our ignorance of them will not be held against us on Judgment Day? Neglect of things which are profitable and necessary and undue concern with those which are irrelevant and harmful, are great folly.
We have eyes and do not see.


What, therefore, have we to do with questions of philosophy? He to whom the Eternal Word speaks is free from theorizing. For from this Word are all things and of Him all things speak -- the Beginning Who also speaks to us. Without this Word no man understands or judges aright. He to whom it becomes everything, who traces all things to it and who sees all things in it, may ease his heart and remain at peace with God. 

O God, You Who are the truth, make me one with You in love everlasting. I am often wearied by the many things I hear and read, but in You is all that I long for. Let the learned be still, let all creatures be silent before You; You alone speak to me.


The more recollected a man is, and the more simple of heart he becomes, the easier he understands sublime things, for he receives the light of knowledge from above. The pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by many labors, for he does them all for the honor of God. And since he enjoys interior peace he seeks no selfish end in anything. What, indeed, gives more trouble and affliction than uncontrolled desires of the heart? A good and devout man arranges in his mind the things he has to do, not according to the whims of evil inclination but according to the dictates of right reason. Who is forced to struggle more than he who tries to master himself? This ought to be our purpose, then: to conquer self, to become stronger each day, to advance in virtue.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-5-11 14:40:59编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-11 14:28 | 显示全部楼层

一 亲受真理教训的人有福了(参诗 94:12)。不是藉着能朽坏的文字和言语,却是出于真理本身。
强解和争辩关于我们所不知道的事物有何益处呢?(参传3:9-11)我们若不知道这些事物,在审判的日子还可少受些责备呢。愚妄莫大于疏忽了有益而必要的事,而注意那些怪异而有害的事。我们真是所谓“有眼却看不见”了(诗 115:5)。


二 逻辑学家的枯燥的理论,如“类”呀“类”呀等,与我们有何关系呢?


三 人的内心越统一、越纯洁,他就能够越不费力地明白更多和更高深的事,因为他能从上头接受智慧之光(参太11:25)。一个具有清洁、单纯、而且稳定的心的人,是不会因从事许多工作而感到烦扰,因为他工作是为着荣耀上帝;他的内心平静、悠闲,因为他不是为自己而做什么事。谁能妨碍和烦扰你,比你自己内心的没有压制的欲望更利害呢?一个良善而敬畏上帝的人对于应该做的事,总是预先在心里计划妥当,然后才行出来。他做事,并非随从无节制的欲望的引诱,却是按着理性的指挥。人间的斗争还有比努力于克服自我的斗争更大吗?克服自我,每天逐渐刚强,在圣洁的生活中成长,应该是我们的任务。

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-5-11 14:45:33编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-13 08:08 | 显示全部楼层

Every perfection in this life has some imperfection mixed with it and no learning of ours is without some darkness. Humble knowledge of self is a surer path to God than the ardent pursuit of learning. Not that learning is to be considered evil, or knowledge, which is good in itself and so ordained by God; but a clean conscience and virtuous life ought always to be preferred. Many often err and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned rather than to live well.


If men used as much care in uprooting vices and implanting virtues as they do in discussing problems, there would not be so much evil and scandal in the world, or such laxity in religious organizations. On the day of judgment, surely, we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done; not how well we have spoken but how well we have lived.Tell me, where now are all the masters and teachers whom you knew so well in life and who were famous for their learning? Others have already taken their places and I know not whether they ever think of their predecessors. During life they seemed to be something; now they are seldom remembered.


How quickly the glory of the world passes away! If only their lives had kept pace with their learning, then their study and reading would have been worth while.How many there are who perish because of vain worldly knowledge and too little care for serving God. They became vain in their own conceits because they chose to be great rather than humble.
He is truly great who has great charity. He is truly great who is little in his own eyes and makes nothing of the highest honor. He is truly wise who looks upon all earthly things as folly that he may gain Christ. He who does God's will and renounces his own is truly very learned.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-13 08:30 | 显示全部楼层

四 今生任何的完美总会混合一些不完美;人类任何的知识也都会有些阴暗处。自视卑微是比追求学问更可靠的一条引到上帝面前的路。但是并不是说要将学问或知识看成是邪恶的,因为知识本身原是好的,且是上帝所谓立的。不过,洁净的良心和道德的生活总要放在知识的前而更受重视才好。然而许多人宁可努力追求知识,忽视了道德的生活,所以他们常常受了欺骗。若不是毫无所获,便是所得无几!


五 如果人类肯被争辩问题的力量用于拔除罪恶、树立道德,世界上就不至于有这许多罪恶或丑闻,教会团体也不至于这样散漫了。在审判的日子,我们不会为所读的书受审,却要为所行的事受审(太25章);不是照我们的说话如何动听,却是照我们的生活如何虔诚。告诉我:那些你往日所熟悉的博学之士,如今安在哉?如今,别人占有他们的地位,却几乎忘了他们。在他们一息尚存的时候,他们似乎是重要人物,但是现在,他们的名字连提都没有人提了。


六 世界的荣耀消逝得多么快啊!(参传 2:1)惟愿他们当年的生活能赶上他们的学问,那么他们的研究和饱学也就真有价值了。多少人灭亡是因为追求虚空的学问(多 1:10),而不注意服侍上帝。因为他们只愿为大,不愿自卑,结果,幻灭在他们的想象中(参罗 1:21)。

真正伟大的人是具有伟大的爱的人。真正伟大的人是自视微小,不计荣名的人(参太18:4;23:11)。真正智慧的人视世上万物如粪土,为要得着基督(参腓 3:8)。真正博学的人尊行上帝的旨意,丢弃自己的意思。


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