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书评-【创世纪的家谱】(朴润植 著)

发表于 2009-2-10 09:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





弗兰克·詹姆斯 博士


美国改革宗神学院校长,历史神学 博士





















弗兰克·詹姆斯 博士

Dr. Frank A. James III. PhD, DPhil





发表于 2009-2-10 10:39 | 显示全部楼层





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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-14 10:26 | 显示全部楼层


Genesis, Jesus and Genealogies



 Dr. Frank A. James III. PhD, DPhil

President and Professor of Historical Theology

Reformed Theological Seminary


All too often genealogies are viewed as uninteresting or even worse, boring. But Dr. Abraham Park’s new book, The Genesis Genealogy Viewed Through God’s Work of Salvation, demonstrates the great value and even the excitement of an in-depth study of Biblical genealogies. A strong foundation is necessary for any enduring structure. And so it is also true that the book of Genesis is a firm foundation for our Biblical faith. Genesis is the groundwork not only for understanding our beginnings, but it is also the basis for understanding ourselves as well as our relationship with God and with one another. One simply cannot overstate the importance of Genesis as the foundational paradigm for all Christian thinking. Dr. Abraham Park is to be congratulated for his important and worthy contribution to our understanding of this foundational book.

Dr. Park displays a remarkable facility with the Hebrew language. Time and again, his linguistic skills are on display. This indicates not only the seriousness of his research but also his love for the book of Genesis. He has rightly understood that one cannot fully grasp God’s work of salvation, unless one digs deeply into the book of beginnings. The old adage that one cannot understand the future unless one first understands the past, holds true in Biblical studies. Dr. Park takes this adage to heart in this remarkable book.


The biblical point of departure for Dr. Park is Deuteronomy 32:7 where the song of Moses declares: “Remember the days of old, consider the years of all generations....” He carefully considers the ten genealogies of Genesis (of heaven and earth, of Adam, of Noah, of Noah’s sons, of Shem, of Terah and Abraham, of Ishmael, of Isaac, of Esau, and of Jacob) and through each of these the history of redemption is clearly expounded. Dr. Park employs these genealogies to reveal the core of God’s work of redemption in history which find their ultimate expression in the work of Jesus Christ.


There are several distinguishing features of Dr. Park’s important book. First, it is a book suffused with Scripture. It is absolutely clear that Dr. Park loves the Bible and it is obvious that he drinks deeply from the fountain of Biblical study. Second, it has a clear evangelistic thrust. At many points the clear implication of his
exposition is a warm invitation to embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior. Dr. Park, it would seem, has never lost sight of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. Thirdly, I was delighted to see that he takes the historicity of the Genesis account seriously. In a day when some many modern theologians cast doubt on the historicity of Adam, for example, it is refreshing to see a firm affirmation of historicity. Finally, the text is clearly and well written. The average reader will not get lost in technical jargon, but will indeed see the teaching of Scripture with ease.


This book is a sweeping vista of God’s plan of redemption from Genesis down through the ages to its final expression in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Dr. Park’s book is a journey worth taking. I heartily recommend this insightful work of Dr. Park for seminaries and colleges. I can assure this book will not disappoint. Read it, study it, pray over it and then put its wisdom to work in your life and ministry.


Dr. Frank A. James III. PhD, DPhil

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-14 10:26:43编辑过]

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