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发表于 2003-1-6 19:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
有一个年青人参加一个星期三晚上的圣经研读班。牧师分享著有关倾听上帝并顺服主的声音的讯息,年青人心里不禁怀疑著:「上帝现在还对人们说话吗?」 课程结束后,他到外面与几个朋友喝咖啡、吃派。他们讨论这篇讯息,其他几个人谈到上帝如何在不同的生活带领他们。年青人开车回家时大约晚上10点。坐在车内,他开始祷告:「上帝,如果你还继续对人说话,请跟我说话,我会听,我会尽一切所能地服从你。」 在回到他住的小镇的途中,他有一个停下车「买一加仑牛奶」的奇怪念头。他摇摇头并大声的说:「上帝那是你吗?」他没有得到回答,他继续开车回家。但再一次,「买一加仑牛奶」的想法又出来了。这个年青人想起撒母耳没有认出上帝声音而跑去找以利的圣经故事(撒上3:1-21)。「好吧!上帝,假如那是你,我会去买牛奶。」买牛奶并不是一件很难顺服的挑战,而且他自己也常喝牛奶,随时用得到。他停下车,买了一加仑的牛奶,继续开车回家。 当他经过第七街,他再一次有一个冲动的想法:「转到第七街去。」他想:「这真是疯狂。」所以他没转过去,继续开过去。但那个想法一直在他脑中,让他觉得必须转到第七街去。在下个路口,他转头回到第七街。年青人半开玩笑地大声叫说:「好吧,上帝,我就照你的意思。」过了几个路口,他突然觉得必须停下车来,所以他把车停到路边,看看四周。他在一个半商业区,不是邻近最好、也不是最差的区域。商店都己经关门了,大部份的房子都关灯了,可能大部份的人都己经上床睡觉了。 再一次,他的脑中又有一个想法:「到对街去,把牛奶给房子里的人。」年青人看著房子,暗暗的,房里的人可能不在或睡觉了。他打开车门准备出去,但又坐回汽车座椅,「主啊!这真是疯狂,里面的人己经睡著了,如果我吵醒他们,他们一定很生气,而我看起会像一个笨蛋。」但他还是觉得必须把牛奶送过去。最后,他还是出了车子。「好吧,上帝,如果这真的是出于你的意思,我会去敲门,把牛奶送给他们,如果你要让我看起来像是一个疯子。好吧,我想要顺服你。我想应该有什么特别意思,但如果他们没有立刻开门,我就要离开那里。」 他走过对街,按了门铃。他听到里面有一些声音,一个男子大声叫著:「是谁?你要作什么?」然后门打开,在年青人还来不及走开之前。这个男子站在门前,穿著牛仔裤,身著T恤。看起来他刚离开床,脸上有一个奇怪的表情,看到屋前有一个陌生人,似乎觉得不高兴,说:「什么事?」年青人把牛奶拿给他,说:「我买这个给你。」 这个男子拿著牛奶,冲进门厅,大声地说著西班牙语。然后一个妇人从客厅走出来,拿著牛奶走到厨房,男子跟在她后面,手里抱著一个婴儿,婴儿在哭著。男子脸上不停地流著眼泪。男子半哭半说著:「我们正在祷告,这个月我们有一大笔帐单,我们把钱付光,我们的孩子己经没有牛奶了。我正祷告上帝告诉我如何拿到牛奶。」 他的太太在厨房大声的说著:「我请求上帝差遣一个天使带一些牛奶来,你是天使吗?」年青人拿出他的皮夹,把里面的钱全部拿出来,塞到那男子的手中。转身走回他的车子,脸上流著眼泪。他终于明白上帝仍在回答祷告。 (太 7: 9-11) [B] 你们中间谁有儿子求饼,反给他石头呢?求鱼,反给他蛇呢?你们虽然不好,尚且知道拿好东西给儿女,何况你们在天上的父,岂不更把好东西给求他的人么? [/B]
发表于 2003-1-12 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-25 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
A young man had been to Wednesday night Bible study. The pastor had shared about listening to God and obeying the Lord's voice. The young man couldn't help but wonder, "Does God still speak to people?" After service, he went out with some friends for coffee and pie and they discussed the message. Several different ones talked about how God had led them in different ways. It was about ten o'clock when the young man started driving home. Sitting in his car, he just began to pray, "God, if you still speak to people, speak to me. I will listen. I will do my best to obey." As he drove down the main street of his town, he had the strangest thought to stop and buy a gallon of milk. He shook his head and said out loud, "God is that you?" He didn't get a reply and started on toward home. But again, the thought, "buy a gallon of milk." The young man thought about Samuel and how he didn't recognize the voice of God, and how little Samuel ran to Eli. "Okay, God, in case that is you, I will buy the milk." It didn't seem like too hard a test of obedience. He could always use the milk. He stopped and purchased the gallon of milk and started off toward home. As he passed Seventh Street, he again felt the urge, "Turn down that street." "This is crazy," he thought and drove on past the intersection. Again, he felt that he should turn down Seventh Street. At the next intersection, he turned back and headed down Seventh. Half jokingly, he said out loud, "Okay, God I will." He drove several blocks when suddenly, he felt like he should stop. He pulled over to the curb and looked around. He was in a semi-commercial area of town. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst of neighborhoods either. The businesses were closed and most of the houses looked dark like the people were already in bed. Again, he sensed something, "Go and give the milk to the people in the house across the street." The young man looked at the house. It was dark and it looked like the people were either gone or they were already asleep. He started to open the door and then sat back in the car seat. "Lord, this is insane. Those people are asleep and if I wake them up, they are going to be mad and I will look stupid." Again, he felt like he should go and give them the milk. Finally, he opened the door. "Okay God, if this is you, I will go to the door and I will give them the milk. If you want me to look like a crazy person, okay. I want to be obedient. I guess that will count for something, but if they don't answer right away, I am out of here." He walked across the street and rang the bell. He could hear some noise inside. A man's voice yelled out, "Who is it? What do you want?" Then the door opened before the young man could get away. The man was standing there in his jeans and a t-shirt. He looked like he just got out of bed. He had a strange look on his face, and he didn't seem too happy to have a stranger standing on his doorstep. "What is it?" The young man thrust out the gallon of milk. "Here I brought this to you." The man took the milk and rushed down the hallway, speaking loudly in Spanish. Then from down the hall came a woman carrying the milk toward the kitchen. The man was following her holding a baby. The baby was crying. The man had tears streaming down his face. The man began speaking and half-crying, "We were just praying. We had some big bills this month and we ran out of money. We didn't have any milk for our baby. I was just praying and asking God to show me how to get some milk." His wife in the kitchen yelled out, "I asked him to send an Angel with some milk. Are you an Angel?" The young man reached into his wallet and pulled out all the money he had on him and put it in the man's hand. He turned and walked back toward his car and the tears were streaming down his face. He knew that God still answers prayers. "Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!" PS:今天看到了这篇文章的英文版,拿来分享:)

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