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A Spider’s Web

发表于 2005-6-29 15:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A young soldier was fighting a terrible battle during the Scottish Reformation. One day he found himself cut off from his comrades. As he ran from the enemy, he came to a cave. Knowing the enemy was close behind him, but totally exhausted from the chase, he chose to hide there. After he had crawled inside the cave, he fell on his face in the darkness, desperately pleading for God to save him from his enemies and promising that if God would rescue him, he would serve Him for the remainder of his life. After his prayer was finished, he looked up and noticed that a spider had begun to weave its web at the entrance to the cave. As he watched the delicate threads being slowly drawn across the mouth of the cave, the young soldier pondered its irony. He thought, "I asked God for protection and deliverance, and he sent me a spider instead! How can a spider save me?" His hopes fell, knowing that the enemy would soon discover his hiding place and kill him. Sure enough, soon he heard the sound of his enemies, who were now diligently searching the area looking for those that were hiding. One soldier with a gun slowly walked up to the cave's entrance. As the young man crouched in the darkness, hoping to surprise the enemy in a last-minute desperate attempt to save his own life, he felt his heart pounding wildly. As the enemy cautiously moved forward to enter the cave, he came upon the spider's web, which by now was completely strung across the opening. He backed away and called out to a comrade, "There can't be anyone in here. They would have had to break this spider's web to enter the cave. Let's move on." Years later, this young man, made good his promise by becoming a preacher. He wisely observed: "Where God is, a spider's web is as a stone wall. Where God is not, a stone wall is as a spider's web."
发表于 2005-6-30 21:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-7-6 10:52 | 显示全部楼层
这篇文章挺有意思,让我想起另一个关于蜘蛛网的故事: 英国将军威灵顿在卡特勒布拉被拿破仑打败,只身逃到一间农舍里,他万念俱灰,不知路之所往。无意中他看到墙角处有一只蜘蛛在风中结网。风从上面吹来,网络被风吹破一次,蜘蛛就重建网络一次,风一次次吹,蜘蛛就一次次建,最后蜘蛛竟然百折不挠,结成一个比原来更大的“网”。威灵顿深受震动,顿悟失败乃成功之母,于是重整旗鼓,终于在1815年6月18日的滑铁卢战役中大败拿破仑。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-6 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
虽然两个故事都说到蜘蛛网,还是有不同之处的。 威灵顿从小小的蜘蛛结网的顽强斗志得到启发,这位年轻的士兵从蜘蛛网学到的功课却是神的智慧全知和神的保护眷顾。正如他在成为传教士后所说:“有神同在之处,一张蜘蛛网就好像一堵石墙般坚固;没有神的同在,一堵石墙也会如一张蜘蛛网般脆弱。” "Where God is, a spider's web is as a stone wall. Where God is not, a stone wall is as a spider's web."

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