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发表于 2002-6-2 08:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘自﹕<<每日箴言>> 路加福音 22:54-62 使女 [这个人(彼得)素来也是同(耶稣)一夥的。] 路22:56 那使女的指控可真是非同小可。彼得当然否认,并极力地说他不认识耶稣。彼得可不傻,耶稣当时可能会被判死刑,彼得知道那时实在不宜与他扯上关系。 我的文件夹中放着一副漫画,画中一人对另一人说:“我的上司要是知道我是基督徒,准会立即辞退我,幸好我能瞒着他不让他知道。”可悲的是,我们不少人在朋友,同学或邻人面前也会有这种想法。 当在学校,咖啡店或在办公时,有人说:“你是基督的信徒,不是吗?”我们如何回应?认识你的人可知道你的信仰? 彼得的声称不可能叫那年轻使女留下深刻印象,他的话肯定不能让使女尊崇他的信仰。你可能也注意到一些自称基督徒却又言行不符的人。 我担忧的是,像那使女一样的年轻人也会看到这种的态度或行径。这提醒我躬行己说的重要。我要紧记耶稣和其他人正看着我。事实上,不管年轻人在何时提及我们时,最佳的话莫如:“嘿,这人同基督一夥的。” Luke 22:54-62 The Servant Girl " This man (Peter) was with (Jesus)]." Luke 22:56 What an accusation that servant girl made! Peter, of course, denied it and said quite forcefully that he didn't know Jesus. Peter knew it was not the ideal time to be associated with him. I have a cartoon in my files that shows one man telling another, "My boss would fire me in a minute if he knew I was a Christian, but luckily I've been able to hide it." Sad to say, that sentiment may be true for many of us in relation to our friends, classmates, or neighbors. So how do we respond if someone at school, in the coffee room, or at work, says, "You're a follower of Christ, aren't you?" Do the people who know you know what you really believe? The young servant girl could not have been very impressed with Peter's commitment; what he said certainly would not have built her respect for Peter's faith. Maybe you, too, have observed people who call themselves Christians and then don't show it. It concerns me when young people like this servant girl see that kind of attitude or behavior. It reminds me how important it is to practice what I preach. I need to remember that others, including Jesus, are watching. Actually, the best thing some young person could ever say about us is "Hey, this persons has been with Christ."
[此贴子已经被諾行于2002-6-2 8:17:12编辑过]
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