[B]SFX: [/B]Ringing the bell like at a boxing match
[B]Announcer:[/B] In this corner weighing 65 pounds the youngest brother in the family. And in this corner his older sister weighing 82 pounds...(voice fades away)
[B]Woodrow Kroll:[/B] Sibling rivalry has been around as long as brothers and sisters have been around. Remember Cain and Abel, the first brothers in history, ended up with one killing the other. Domestic violence is one of the greatest problems facing our legal system.
It's a wonderful thing to have a brother or sister who loves you and you love them. But what if that isn't the case? What if the relationship is filled with conflict?
Paul's words in Philippians 2 seem appropriate, "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." Life isn't always fair. Sometimes we must give when we don't get much in return.
The best place to start in repairing a broken relationship is with our attitude. Why not pick up a Bible and read it today. You might be surprised about what it has to say about restoring peace to the family. |