I went to the ATM today to get money.
As I stood in line a fellow came up to stand in line behind me.
He said to another friend that he seemed to know that was
walking up at the same time.
"I ran out of money."
I finished getting money from the ATM as the gentleman behind me
stepped up.
A thought crossed my mind.
I turned and said to him,
"You didn't run out of money.
Running out of money is when there is none in the bank,
you can't get any out of the ATM,
and you don't have any anywhere else.
That's running out of money."
He looked at me and said, "you are absolutely right, I guess I
hadn't looked at it that way, I'm not out of money."
Far too many times we look at our situations in life and think
that we are "OUT" when in reality, we have plenty, it's just not
jingling in our pocket at the moment.
I am not just talking about money.
We complain that we are out of love, power, happiness, joy,
peace, rest, health, satisfaction, beauty, etc. The list goes
on and on.
You are not out, you just don't know what's in the bank. |