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The Auction

发表于 2002-10-16 02:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Auction ============ There was once a father and a son. They lived together, and they took care of one another. The wife/mother was long gone, so all they had was each other - and their love of fine art. Their collection contained at least one of the works of all the masters - Rembrandt, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Picasso. It was an extensive, expensive collection. They had one true friend. An old gardener who had been at the manor since the father was a little boy. Well, it just so happened that a war broke out, and the son was called to active duty. During one particularly bitter battle, the son was killed while saving the life of another soldier. Some time later, the father received a visitor. The visitor told him, "You don't know me, but I am the soldier your son was saving when he was killed. He and I were good friends, and he told me a lot of things about the two of you. He told me all about your love of art and about your collection. Now, I am by no means a great artist, but I can paint a little. I wanted to do something for you in his memory, so I made a painting of him for you." The father graciously accepted the gift, and placed it in a prominent place where he could see it all the time, to help him remember. In time, the father died. His will stipulated that the estate be auctioned off, so on the appointed day, the auction was held. The first item up for bid was the painting of the son. "Give me a bid," said the auctioneer. "Let's start the bidding at $100." "Come on, who'll give me $100?" The buyers were not pleased. "Get that junk out of here," they said, "bring out the real art!" The auctioneer persisted, despite their objections. "Give me a bid. Who bids $100? Who'll give me $75? How about $60?" The whole time, the people protested. "Get rid of it! We want to see the Picassos! The Rembrandts! That's why we're here!" This went on for a while. Finally, someone said, "I'll give you $3 for it." It was the gardener who had worked for the old man and his son for as long as anyone could remember. The auctioneer was encouraged. All right, we have a bid! I hear $3, who'll make it 5? "We don't want it!," they yelled. "Give it to him!" "Let's go!" The auctioneer said, "All right, $3, going once, twice- SOLD!" Then, he put down his gavel, and said, "That concludes the auction. Thank you all for coming." Of course, the people were livid. "What do you mean? We never even got to see the rest of the estate! How can it be over?" The auctioneer said, "There was something I was not allowed to tell you, until now. In his will, the old man stipulated that the painting of his son had to be the first piece sold, and whoever bought the painting would inherit the whole estate." Author Unknown Whoever accepts the son, gets the whole kingdom.
发表于 2002-10-16 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
好感动阿,这个故事以前看过,可是今天读来,又是另一种滋味! 当我们在林林总总的事物面前迷失了方向的时候, 我们很容易就忘记了我们最需要的乃是神的儿子! 他能够满足我们一切所需,有了主还要什么?! 当我们可以放下自己,全心全意的爱神的时候, 所有的祝福都会随之而来。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-10-16 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
拍卖 从前有一位父亲和他的儿子。他们互相照顾,相依为命。父亲的妻子/儿子的母亲早早去世,他们的财产就是对方-以及他们珍爱的艺术品。 时间关系,先翻译第一段,弟兄姐妹,赶快接力阿!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-10-17 00:55 | 显示全部楼层
东西南北在分享园地发过这个故事,转移过来,翻译们可以省省力气啦: 儿 子 ⊙ 佚名著 海燕译 有一个富人和他的儿子都爱收藏珍稀的艺术品。他们的收藏几乎无所不至,从拉斐尔到毕加索。他们俩常常坐下来,一起欣赏那些艺术品。 越南战争爆发的时候,儿子也到了战场上。他是一个异常勇敢的战士,可惜在营救另一个士兵的时候牺牲了。死时年纪轻轻。父亲听到噩耗,为他唯一的儿子哀痛欲绝。 大约过了一个月,在圣诞节之前的一天,老人听见有人敲门。门前站着一个年轻人,双手抱着一件大包裹。年轻人说,先生,您不认识我,我就是您的儿子舍命救出来的那个士兵。那一天,他救了不少的生命,他背我到安全地带的时候,一颗子弹击中了他的心脏,他就倒了下去┅┅他常常对我谈到您,和您对艺术的爱好。年轻人双手把那个包裹递过来,喃喃地说道,我知道这不值什么,我并不是什么伟大的艺术家,但我想,您的儿子也许会愿意您有这样一件东西的。父亲打开包裹,看见一幅画:他儿子的肖象。是那个年轻人画的。 老人凝视着这副画,震惊了:作者如此成功地捕捉到他儿子的人格!特别是画中他儿子的那双眼睛,正深深地凝望着父亲。老人不禁热泪纵横。他再三地谢过年轻人,坚持要为这幅画付钱。噢,不,先生。您的儿子为我做的,我已经无法偿还了。这是一件礼物。 父亲把这幅画挂在壁炉的上方。每次家里有客人来,他都要先让他们看这幅画,然后才让他们欣赏他所收藏的别的艺术品。 几个月后,老人去世了。他收藏的那些画要拍卖。许多有影响的人聚集在这里,为能看到那些伟大的艺术品,为或许能置买一幅名画作为自己的收藏品而兴奋莫名。拍卖台上竖立着那幅老人的儿子的画象。拍卖人重重地敲了一下木槌,喊道,我们从这幅儿子的画开始出价。谁愿意为这幅儿子的画出价? 拍卖室的后面,有一个人嚷道:我们要看名画!跳过这一幅!。 但拍卖人继续喊道,谁愿意为这幅儿子的画出价?谁开始出价?100元?200元? 另一个声音吼起来,显然是生气了:我们来不是要看这幅画!我们是来看梵高,看伦勃朗的。请拿出真货来!但拍卖人还是喊着:儿子!儿子!谁要儿子? 终于,有一个回应的声音从屋子的最后面传来。那是老人家中多年的园丁。他必须叫喊才能被前面的人听见:我愿意出10元钱买这幅画。园丁是一个穷人,这是他所有的钱。有人出10块钱了,谁出20块?拍卖人喊道。10块钱卖给他吧,我们要看大师的作品!有人嘲笑着。 现价10块了,有没有愿意出20块的?人群给惹恼了。他们不要那幅儿子的画。他们要把钱投在那些更值钱的东西上。拍卖人不得不敲下了木槌,一下,两下.10块钱卖出!坐在第二排的一个人叫起来:该让我们买那些收藏品了! 拍卖人放下他的木槌说:对不起,拍卖结束了。 对不起,我受委托拍卖,必须执行老人的遗嘱。老人的遗嘱中有一个秘密条件。我只能在现在公开这个秘密:只有那幅儿子的画在拍卖之列。谁买了那副儿子的画,谁就继承老人全部的产业,包括所有的收藏品。要儿子的人将得到一切。 2000年前,上帝把他的儿子给了人类,让他死在十字架上。就象那个拍卖人一样,今天上帝也在对我们说:儿子!儿子!谁愿意要上帝的儿子?看吧,接受上帝之子的人,会拥有一切。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-10-17 01:18 | 显示全部楼层

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