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发表于 2003-12-29 13:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Many people, when they receive the invitation to hear the Gospel, often use the excuse, "I'm busy" or "I haven't got the time." This "being busy" has become so common that it would be abnormal not to be. It is good to be busy. It shows that we are making ourselves useful doing things. A student should be busy with his school work. A father should be busy providing for his family's needs. All these are proper and necessary. A pair of busy hands is always better than idel ones. However, if one is overly busy making money an dneglects his physical and mental health, then he will bring harm upon himself. Medical research carried out on animals reveals that the bodies of these animals when under stress or anxiety produce fat which enters into the blood stream. As time goes on the walls of their arteries enlarge causing coronary occlusion. Similarly in time of anxiety, the man;s body secretes excessive adrenalin in order to cope with this. Subsequently, this condition will lead to internal disorder. In one's lifetime what one does is to strive and struggle. When one dies the wealth and fame he strove for cannot be brought with him into the next life. Henceforth, one should look at the value of life from the eternal perspective and not seek temporary comforts of life. A man should be satisfied and contented with what he has - sufficient food and clothinhg and shelter. We strive and labor hard to earn a lot of money and gain material possessions. These may be squandered by our loved ones. Even then the wealth and possessions we hoard cannot be brought with us into the next life. Solomon, the reputed wise man in histroy concluded in his old age that life is but "vanity of vanities! All is vanity." Even Job, the prosperous and righteous man knew that "naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there." Therefore, why should we look to more riches when we should be looking ahead of us, looking at eternity in our spiritual life? The Bible tells us that "It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement." There is a Chinese saying "Heaven may produce unexpected wind and cloud, men may have sudden happiness or calamity." We cannot tell what will happen tomorrow, next week or next year. I sincerely urge you to quietly sit down and objectively think / reflect about the value of life and your final destiny. Please do not be so busy that you are blineded to this important issue in life. Some of us are so busy that in the end, we do not know what we are busy for. Why is this so? It is because we are far too overwhelmed by it. Our productivity is related to our attitude. If we are confused or unstable on the inside, our productivity will be affected even if a little work has been done. We may work very hard but we will find that little is accomplished. However, if we are stable and orderly on the inside, we can accdomplish much. How do we achieve this? The Bible tells us "In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength." Many Christians practise this: Whenever they sense that they are too busy and overwhelmed by work, they pray to God for help. And each time, God will faithfully use various means and methods to help the Christian. This prayer, which is turning to God, is like a car which has run out of petrol, and has to stop at a gas station to refuel. It is not a waste of time but a time to renew one's strength. There are some people who resort to drinking, gambling and womanising as a form of relaxation. They turn to these activities to drown their problems and sorrows - they even use them as excuses of being too busy to think about Christ. They may not actually be busy but are blind and lost to the salvation offered by God in Christ Jesus. My dear friends, it is never too late to return ashore and come to Christ. You need to repent and seek God's forgiveness for the precious blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all sin. For through Him, God has made a way for you to come to Him by receiving Christ into your life. You will no longer be alone and helpless. God is not limited by time nor space. Because He is omnipresetn and almighty, wherever you are and in whatever circumstances, you can be assured that He hears your prayers in Jesus' name. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy - laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28) The Bible also promises that "... those, who wait for the Lord will gain new strength...(Isa 40:29-31) My dear friends, are you busy? Our God is your real source of strength and hope. Please do not delay. Put your trust in Him today.
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