---------------INFO. FROM INTERNET------------------------
"The history of the computer based Bulletin Board System can be traced back to Chicago, IL in 1978 to Ward Christensen, who wrote the first BBS system software.
Ward Christensen and Randy Suess develop the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS) in Chicago. Opened to the public the following year, it is the first electronic message-posting network.
Christensen and Suess lived in Chicago, where winters bring below-freezing temperatures and piles of snow, and in January 1978 there was plenty of indoor time for programming and fiddling with digital equipment. The idea had been building for awhile, and that winter they decided to devise a simple computer communication system. Christensen developed the software and Suess assembled the hardware.
On February 16, 1978, their system is complete; they name it the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS). When it finally goes online to the public in 1979, Christensen manages the system under the title "system operator" (soon shortened to "sysop").
1978: The First Computer Bulletin Board System, CBBS, Goes Online.
BBS was here before the WWW."
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